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Sunday, August 30, 2020

California bill to form reparations task force advances after 33-3 state Senate vote

State senators in California overwhelmingly supported setting up a task force to study potential reparations for slavery in a bipartisan vote Saturday.

The panel would study the effects slavery had on California and recommend to the legislature no later than 2023 what type of compensation would be appropriate, how it might be dispersed and who could be eligible to receive it.

The task force could also recommend other forms of redress besides money.

The 33-3 Senate vote came the same weekend as the 57th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech and as protests against racial injustice continued across the country.


  1. Another cash cow for friends and special interests.

  2. Reparations for descendants of this who died fighting to free slaves that were brought here by England and purchased from black Muslims ?

    1. 11:14
      Purchased from who?
      Who owned and operated the East Indies Shipping Company?

      Clue: they were not Muslims

  3. Who cares?? Everyone is leaving California. Who's dumb enough to pay?? Oh that's right. The SLAVE'S themselves. Lol

  4. Will California also consider reparations to Chinese and others?

  5. Germany was forced to pay reparations after World War I. That led to domestic unrest and the rise of Adolph Hitler. If Americans are forced to pay reparations you can bet there will be domestic violence and the overthrow of the federal government. It's the law of unintended consequences. Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it.

  6. It is Basic Income which has long been a hallmark of Marxist Communism. The idea is for the elites (banking families) to provide for the peasants (non elites) through a basic income (printing currency).

    Now they call it reparations to get a rise out of goy Caucasians.

  7. Hmmmm where is my reparations? I'm an Irish descendent. My ancestors were slaved also.

  8. How can you give monetary reparations to a dead person? You can't, any there no negros alive today that have been slaves. I surely haven't owned any slaves and they haven't picked any cotton.

  9. I really do hope everyone who has ancestors who were slaves moves to California then I hope California breaks off into the ocean never to be seen or heard from again. Just how damn stupid can they possibly get.

  10. Psst 1106pm - there is no "cash" in Cali. Their state govt can't balance anything let alone think logically.


  11. Not posting all comments again?

  12. 11:06 kind of like the feds small business loans.

  13. 5:28 doesnt fit the narrative

  14. California Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Kamala Harris and so on, should start giving up their multi-millionaire mansions and "lead by example". And Kamala, don't forget to donate that BMW you got from Willie Brown.

  15. California entered the US in 1850 as a non-slave state. Good luck finding legitimate descendants of slaves who were forced to work plantations that didn't exist there.
    Anyone else notice that blacks automatically assume that because they are black they must have been slaves but they can't trace more than 1 or 2 generations back in their family history on at least one side let alone both sides?
    The only reparations I would ever support would be those to Native Americans since they were here first.

  16. Ok
    I’m leaving this site

    No comments posted
    No more visits


  17. If anyone can prove, without any doubt that they themselves were a black slave, then I think they deserve some cash. If not, then they can go pound sand.


  18. If California passes something as CRAZY as reparations, then the Federal Government should stop all aid to California. I certainly do not want my tax dollars going there.

  19. 9:48, you are correct, agree 100%

  20. I want reparation too. My parents were hill billies and worked as hard as slaves.

  21. 10:26.....I don't think we're going to miss your whiny little ass.

    I know, you're another victim of some kind of "ism", probably "stupidism".

    As is "stupid is as stupid ism".

    It's a new word to describe the philosophy and the liberal narrative.

    Yeah, yeah. That's the ticket!!


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