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Friday, August 07, 2020

Thank God It's Friday 8-7-20

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. Watching Braves Baseball

  2. Wondering when the Government will allow me to go back to work full time.
    With all the misinformation and people that did go back to work dropping like flies in a cloud of raid who knows.

  3. No more watching sports now that they disrespect the National Anthem, the American Flag and advertise for BLM.

  4. Baking brownies, maybe?

  5. Still clearing debris from Isaias.

  6. Just trying to survive...

  7. Watching the foolish media promoting covid19 , the most wicked lie ever . Remember people mail-in votes are the beginning of the end for this country .
    Why do you think the left is now so strong against the NRA .They don't want to get hurt. I almost want to see it happen , ready willing and able at 78 years . See this virus go away after the election . O yea.

  8. Heading out shortly into the bay to enjoy a bit of fishing and hopefully watch the WMO boats returning.....as long as it isn't stormy. Rest of the weekend isn't supposed to be wet so watching from the bay Saturday and Sunday should be really fun!!!

    Maybe WMO folks would consider a Sat AND Sun finals. It imposes on the after celebration/awards dinner - but could be a better revenue generator.

    Here flounder flounders...come to my fishing line!!!!

    Stay safe ALL!!!!!

  9. Removing more broken branches and sticks from my yard then plan to mow the yard, and then relaxing on the patio grilling steaks and getting drunk!

  10. Oh let’s see...it’s hot, the deck is clean, Fat Boys has crabs and corn, Royal Farms has fried chicken, Tiger Mart Beer Cave has cold beer??? Sounds like my weekend road trip!! In one hour I’ll be eating....darn made myself hungry! GOT TO GO

  11. Working so the lazy bastards can go out and riot

  12. Not working for Perdue,not drinking and feeling better than I have in years.


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