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Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Teachers’ Unions, Socialist Groups Demand More Funding, End to ‘Systemic Racism’

Teachers’ unions in cities throughout the country joined with socialist organizations to demand more funding for government schools and an end to “systemic racism” before they agree to in-school instruction.

The groups dubbed Monday a “National Day of Resistance,” as they demonstrated in cities such as Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles.



  1. No friggin way....DEFUND PUBLIC EDUCATION NOW!!!return taxes or issue SCHOOL VOUCHERS now!! Teachers unions are a corrupt relic of the past tear them DOWM!!! dead catput!!!

  2. It's not about the kids, never was, just about more money to fill their coffers with no acountability!!

  3. So Illinois (Chicago) is bankrupt but these libtard Marxists want more money.

    Let me know how that works out for you.

  4. They can have the Schools in LA, Chicago, NY Portland etc. Stay out of the rest

  5. I have wondered through out this if Blind people are accused of racism or are they exempt ?

  6. The only thing the Chicago school district graduates is gang bangers.

  7. Who cares?? This coronavirus has opened a lot of eyes. You won't need much money. Because you won't be teaching many kids except the animals who don't want to learn. They just want a teenager daycare.

  8. School vouchers are the way to go. Give the power of choice to the parents! It's their money and their children! Parents know what's best for their kids.

  9. FIRE all of them and get ones that want to teach instead of indoctrinate.

    1. Good luck with that. You think you will have people volunteer to teach? They schools can't even find good substitutes. They walk out or refuse to come back. Maybe some of you should go volunteer to help your teachers and see just what it is like. What you think teaching is like isn't what it is like. This isn't the time frame of the Waltons.


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