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Wednesday, August 05, 2020

COVID-19 Dr. Zelenko: 150,000 Americans and Many More Around the World Are Dead Because HCQ Stood in the Way of Making Trillions (VIDEO)

Dr. Zev Zelenko was one of the first front line doctors in America to come out and share his success with using a hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) regimen to treat and cure the China coronavirus.

Back in March Dr. Zelenko treated 699 coronavirus patients with HCQ and Zinc with 100% success.

Since that time Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, the FDA and CDC refused to promote the success of HCQ in treating the disease.

There have been 51 studies that show HCQ is effective in treating the coronavirus.



  1. And in how many of those studies was HCQ paired with another compound? If you want it GO GET IT MORONS but scientists will continue to listen to facts. Unlike you we realize that just because a study is published does not mean it's 1) true or 2) reproducible. I mean just today it came out that Coca Cola paid scientists to downplay the role of sugar in obesity.

  2. Raise your hand if you're ready for a world without boomers.

  3. It's not that simple people. Every individuals genetic make up and general health and immune system reacts to this in different ways. The virus is not the problem. It's ones bodies immune reaction and attack upon it that can be fatal or not. Patients natural Interferon reaction their T cell count and blood type are all factors in exposed anti body reaction.
    I would practice safe measure and not fall for any magic bullet vaccine any time in the near future.

  4. 3:24, Because too many 'scientists' are as wacky,or even more than you. Why don't you let rational and intelligent people do what they know is best for
    themselves. 4:45 is a good example of someone rational and intelligent.

  5. To survive an attack by the US Military with a bioweapon (COVID-19) one must have a strong immune system.

    Breathing one's own CO2 exhaust all day will weaken the immune system.
    Eating from a Fast Food drive thru window most days will weaken the immune system.
    Accepting poisonous vaccines containing thymerosol (mercury) will weaken the immune system.

  6. I know of 30-40 people in the US who were prescribed it for covid and all recovered. Some in a surprisingly short period of time. Also many Mexicans have told me they are using it all over Mexico and so many are recovering again in a short time. Then just this last weekend a Guatemalan told me it's being used widely there and results great as well.

  7. 7 out of 10 doctors smoked Camels in 1959, too.

    1. not Camels

      it was Kools cigarette

  8. Did you listen to yourself 3:24. Science and facts..yeh right.Libtards should never venture down this road. Facts, Science, reality, truth, honesty do not exsist unless it fits the lies of their luciferian god!

    The other 3:24 (probably the same basement dweller, common core moron) raise your hands if your ready for a world without ignorant uneducated misfits of the snowfake millennial moronic generation!!

    1. Do you lead the Bible sessions at your trailer park?


  9. 3:24 Back to the basement; no more TV this week. Practice your times tables, write out the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere in cursive, and be prepared to recite it from memory. Then we'll talk about you seeing daylight, or whether you stay Bidened for additional days.




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