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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Republicans furious as Democrats leave town with no Deal

Republicans in Congress are furious that Democrats left town after failing to reach a deal with them on a phase 4 coronavirus stimulus package.

President Donald Trump signed four executive orders Saturday in order to help the unemployed and the economy, effectively bypassing congress to send money to Americans. Democrats had already left town, and didn’t hesitate to criticize the president’s executive orders.

This comes after House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced in late July that the House would remain in session until a deal on a stimulus package is reached, but that did not happen. There are now no House votes until Sept. 14, and members will have 24 hours notice to return for any votes related to coronavirus.

Trump’s first order establishes a payroll tax cut holiday from August 1, 2020 through the end of the year. The second would direct the Department of Housing and Urban Development and other federal agencies to forbid evictions. The third order establishes a $400-per-week addition to the paycheck protection program for workers. The fourth will help give relief for Americans’ student loans.



  1. They're all on the same side. It's just a show.

  2. One executive order and three memorandum. Both sides are willing to negotiate this mess.

    Old news, and wrong at that

  3. Awe. Are they now. Well for as much as your SPINLESS COWARDS have done to help this President. You are as much to blame as Democrats. If you cowardly POS would start locking people up. NONE OF THIS WOULD BE NEEDED. Now as usual you snake's come out with your bullshit lipservice.

  4. WTF they had 10 weeks to debate and vote on the Democrat’s package that was passed by the House.

    What did the Senate pass?

    1. Democrats wanted everything in that bill including America's future generations. Nancy is a phony. She called a recess. She is not concerned at all about you Americans without jobs and a family to feed. She has her airplane paid for by you the taxpayers, family and friends on vacation until 14 Sep 2020. Just put you taxpayers without jobs on a shelf until she gets back. Vote Trump 2020 or your life will always be based around Nancy's.

  5. 1st Tues in Nov is very important. Regardless of weather or Covid.

  6. Congress gets to STAY HOME & Get PAID , so WHY can't the rest of us ???

    They get alot more than $600 or $400 too !!!! OUR taxpayer $$$

  7. The Senate shut down first when McConnell walked away. The House passed the HEROES Act to extend unemployment benefits MONTHS ago, with votes from both sides. McConnell didn't even bring it for a vote in the Senate.

  8. Their months at a time breaks are my SSI increases I need to survive to pay housing, utilities, medications, Doctors bills, food and other living expenses these millionaires get.

    Deduct from their outlandish salaries and benefits.

  9. Because they don't get their way nobody does. Like children, but worse. I say we convert their pay to stimulus.

  10. 7:31 pm is absolutely correct. However don't forget the perks. Most of those Democrats are in foreign countries on the beach with tanned beach babes. Some using taxpayers dollars on airplane vacations with family and friends. Do Democrats really care that you do not have a job because they will not let you go back to work - yet they are on vacation - again. Wake up people - Vote Trump 2020πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

  11. It seems that the Democrats don't care about we the people they just care about themselves. Also we could not pass Pelosi's bill because it would give stimulus checks to illegals. Let all illegals out of prison. Give money to bail out blue states that let rioters burn down their cities. None of this crap has anything to do with helping the people from the pandemic.

  12. They still get paid.

  13. Won't settle for the crumbs the Republicans want to give to all Americans while they continue to throw pies to greedy CEO's and millionaires/billionaires.


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