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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

American Doctors speak out..... time to listen

H​ydroxychloroquine is SAFER than Tylenol: America's most 'dangerous' doctors speak out

Since when does social media know more than medical professionals?

On a recent episode of "Slightly Offens*ve," BlazeTV's Elijah Schaffer headed to Washington, D.C., to meet with several members of "America's Frontline Doctors," the group of medical professionals whose video about the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 was removed by Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and other sites for "sharing false information."

NOTE: After first banning this video for "inappropriate content," YouTube has agreed to re-air this episode with the following disclaimer: Some medical opinions in this show do not follow WHO, CDC, and local health official recommendations for treating COVID-19. Any and all statements should be taken with precaution. Viewer discretion is advised.

Watch the video below:



  1. This is a fun satire site. Keep it up! We need levity right now.

  2. Twitter knows everything and Fakebook knows almost everything. Snapchat and the others are pretty useless, except for Tinder which is essential.

  3. The CDC, WHO and local and state health departments are mostly compromised, either by the Chinese and/or Soros/Democrats.

  4. Those who own Big Pharma also own the MSM.
    We have been inducted into a satanic cult.
    Truth is elusive at best, absent at worst.

  5. I’d take it. Don’t trust CDC.

  6. Your life or your money. The government could care less . They could have saved so many lives but chose to watch them die! Trump 2020!!

  7. I love, love, love when uneducated hillbillies think they know better than the worlds most distinguished epidemiologists.

    1. Keep drinking the Kool aide snow flake

    2. 10:38 And I love it when people think they are so smart but in reality they’re just sheep’s running with the herd. Baaaaa🐑


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