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Friday, August 07, 2020

Poll: 83% of Voters Don’t Like Obama Neighborhood Diversity Rule

A large majority of Americans agree with President Donald Trump’s decision to reverse an Obama-era regulation designed to bring “diversity” to neighborhoods through incorporating low-income housing, according to poll of 1,000 likely voters.

Rasmussen Reports found that 83 percent of respondents said the federal government should not play a role in deciding where people live. Just 10 percent disagreed.

Although less than the 83 percent of voters in 2015, when President Barack Obama was ready to announce the regulation, said it is not the federal government’s job to diversity neighborhoods by mixing people of different financial demographics, 65 percent in this poll agreed.

The Obama-era rule mostly targeted more affluent, suburban neighborhoods with single family homes.

But 23 percent now say government should play a role in diversifying neighborhoods, up from 8 percent five years ago.

Rasmussen reported on the political and racial divides of its poll:



  1. Who the hell would like it to have low income, section 8 housing in a neighborhood you busted your butt all your life to be able to live in a decent community without all the ghetto trash who never worked for anything and don't mind living in squalid conditions and don't take care of anything. They can take a perfectly nice home and turn it into a dump in no time. Let them stay in their hoods and we will stay in ours

  2. I'm black and I work my ass off! I earned every bit of the house and neighborhood I live in. Why would I want some bum of any race getting a free ride in my neighborhood? I already know what the blm followers will say about me leaving my people behind and I don't want to hear it! If you want to live in a nice neighborhood then earn it.

    1. 1:01 Doesn’t matter what blm says you speak the truth👍🏻

  3. Sometimes I wonder why I even try anymore. Maybe I should just quit my TWO jobs and let the government give me a big house in a nice neighborhood, pay for all my food and pay my electric bill. Then I can stay home and watch tv on my 75" screen. If I get bored I'll just go drive my new Mercedes around ( that's probably also paid for by the government). The welfare program is the worst thing to happen to this country. Cut all government assistance. If you can't make it on your own then you die, just like nature intended.

  4. Getting white people to move into in a black neighborhood is condemned as gentrification, because before you know it, they'll take over, bringing bad influences like Starbucks and drive-through banking.

  5. 3:10 am. Agree. If Biden gets in office we are all going to pay the price. Defund police, move section 8 in your neighborhood, pay their mortgage, teach only Black History, hire only blacks, buy only Black products. All that applies to you middle class not the Clinton's, not Biden's, not Obama's. Only you. Stop it now by voting Trump 2020.

  6. Saw it happen. Soon after moving in, trash cans in the front yard overflowing; yard needing cutting; cars everywhere without regard to driveway. I'm not trying to be a snob, but there are limits too.

  7. Look what happen when they created section 8 housing near the college ... college students being assaulted daily

  8. 10:14 they wanna beat the white privilege out of everyone

  9. Drag everyone down the the lowest common denominator and then have control. The plan of the democrats


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