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Friday, August 07, 2020

Gallup: 80 Percent of Blacks Want the Same or More Police in Their Neighborhoods

Defund the police? Not for the vast majority of black Americans, who say the number of cops patrolling their neighborhood should remain the same or even be increased.
This is not the impression we’re getting from the media, who are cheering on Black Lives Matter in their efforts to castrate American police forces. Apparently, they’re doing it in the name of the radical-left faction of black Americans, not the overwhelming majority of black citizens.
Who’d have guessed it?
Over 80 percent of black Americans want the police to spend as much or more time in their neighborhoods as they currently do, new polling from Gallup conducted last month finds.
Asked if they would prefer police spend more, less, or the same amount of time in their neighborhoods, 61 percent of black respondents told Gallup the same, while a further 20 percent said more. Just 19 percent said less. Black respondents were more likely to want more police presence than white, Asian, and all adults overall.
The overwhelming support for current levels of policing even holds among black respondents who say they see the police often or very often. Two in three of those say they would like to see the police the same amount or more; 84 percent of black respondents who see the police “sometimes” responded that way, along with 92 percent of those who see the police rarely or never.


  1. 100% of AMERICAN'S would love to have more police in their neighborhoods. If one or more would act correctly you would love to have more po po influence. If one or more would cooperate when asked...

    Yet DEFUND police is the cry right now.

    United States of America.

  2. Defund the Wicomico County Executive Office Now! I will campaign so that this Office will be placed on the 2022 ballot to be put up for a vote to remove this wasteful county expediture! Power to the people!

  3. This past YEAR I saw the police in my neighborhood only once, they were just cruising thru.. Thank God. Good neighbors and good guns!

  4. Let them defund the police long enough for patriots to weed out the bad influence in our nation without repercussions.
    Target the Marxists/Communists and criminals in our communities.
    Restore American pride and decency, law and order.
    It’s a “say the word” and target them swiftly and decisively en mass proposition and it would work.
    10’s of millions of faithful Americans would answer the call. Each and every community has a good idea who the foul activists and promoters of evil are. They are so brazen now they even sue for the right to buy tactical equipment to fight police in our streets. They are activists and mouthpieces posing as journalists to spread their pinko propaganda, they have commandeered the classrooms and lecture halls of our education system with mediocrity, they have infiltrated and given dishonor to whole beach communities that once were religious retreats, they have discredited elected offices from city council chambers to Governorships and even the Oval Office a few years ago.
    They are the dark underbelly of anti American society that only does damage to our communities, families and individual lives.

    If they continue to push their Marxist revolutionary ideals and facades on America, this will be the only answer.
    Push their “reset” button! Clean them out!

  5. They will not have their cake and eat it too. Either they stop with the lying about police or they will suffer the consequences. The consequences being their streets will be flowing with black blood caused by other blacks. Children getting their brains blown out while in their own homes. These are the consequences of their sinful lives and lying about police and racism

  6. They Reap what they sew !!! No Police , then No Life for them !!!


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