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Saturday, August 08, 2020

OC Air Show: Beach Premium Viewing Venues Closed, City...

Beach premium viewing venues for the OC Air Show have been closed due to Covid-19. The air show will still take place on August 15-16, but tickets for venues including the flight line club, sand boxes, and drop zone beach are no longer available.

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  1. Hahahaha. Sorry but all of this remains hilariously sad.


  2. Dear people,
    When will you wake up? Are you getting tired of being run by government ? The government now tells you what , when and why you can do things . As long as you go along with this program you are doomed.
    This is exactly how Hitler started his rein of terror . History is now repeating itself , get it? Soon you will be saying "I wish I would have listened". This virus is nothing more than a flue , it's a fact . The media has been telling you lies as they read their teleprompter , they don't even know what they are saying . Last chance people , it's almost over for you.

    1. 10:30
      You are 100% correct.
      The population is being mind controlled to the max. This is superb 2020 mind control. The MSM is an intel operation.

      Check out
      Wake up
      Get healthy

  3. And so the Carnival Virus Saga (hoax) continues. "Though the dogs of the village bark,the caravan continues to move on."

  4. Why even have the show if you can be where you wanna be or do what you wanna do. Reign of terror - exactly!! Furthermore the democratic voters of this country let it happen by voting in the azzes that are in charge, oh yes, and the RINO'S, like Hogan.

  5. Weird because I thought it was about flattening the curve not who can cancel what. I hope the mayors realize the money will dry up and we haven’t felt the ripple effect yet. This will be a different country next summer.

    1. There is no curve 11:53, it's all bogus with bogus test, and bogus results. Surely some people have died, but people die from the flu every year. It's a scheme to close businesses, put workers out of jobs and now waiting on free handouts, and ruining the best economy ever. Wash your hands often, keep them out of your mouth and you be fine.

  6. This event should be held in the off-season. Why schedule this for a peak weekend? The town is already full of vacationers. Why do we need to bring in all the day trippers from Mardela Springs, Cambridge, Denton, Pocomoke City, and Seaford clogging up the highways? Better to do this in October when we are hard up for visitors.

  7. I love the annual show, but I suspected the proposed viewing options were going to be too ambitious.

  8. Why is this a surprise? The Town has already taken over the Transportation department to manage it by committee. Look at the result: No Tram, No Park & Ride, and only 4 bus drivers working per shift with no service for the late night shift. Given the amount of overhead employees who are managing these 4 drivers, they could save a bundle by getting rid of them like Rehobeth Beach and contracting it out. All the recruiting effort they have put into attracting chicken plant workers, bar tenders, and handymen, how can they justify the entire Council forming a committee to try and manage transportation? Have they SUCCESSFULLY managed any event this year?

  9. I never saw Airplanes fly before

    looking forward to sitting in 5 hours of traffic to see a plane fly

  10. Well, 7:04, there is an online access point so you can stay home in your pjs and avoid the car situation all together.


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