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Saturday, August 08, 2020

My response to the George Floyd body cam footage... Was George murdered? Was it justified?


  1. After seeing how crazy he was acting, I think the defense attorney's will be a case for accidental death, the cops will get off and riots will erupt all over the place. Better have the guard and the population ready.

  2. It definitely wasn’t racist and it needs have a it’s day in a honest court room. Noway that is murder or hate crime. The MOST TROUBLING is journalist hadaccess to the film the next day and watched it but never reported on it. Sick

    1. 9:23
      Read what you wrote.

      “Journalists had access to the truth but did not report . . . “

      There are no journalists.
      They are all actors reading a script written in Langley.

    2. Actually, today's journalist are activist

      like the flower girl sticking flowers in the barrel.of M-16 as National Guard stood by in the 1960s

      there are no real journalists anymore

  3. Mr. Floyd gave us a low cost funeral at a high cost communist blm and antifa excuse to riot . He will rot in hell hopefully along with his buddies obama and all blacks who believe that America is bad . I'm just praying for the revolution , ready willing and able.

  4. Completely justified! Tear down those makeshift monuments for the criminal and get this country back on track

  5. Wow. The Democrats have some explaining to do!

  6. Floyd has a 22k gold coffin - Michael Jackson was the only other person to have a 22k gold coffin.

  7. And just like that it will all disappear like it never happened

  8. George Floyd was not murdered he died of a fentynol overdose. If you are talking you can breathe. People that can't breathe can't talk. Also after watching the video the officer's knee was on the side of Floyd's neck not choking him at all. Also the coroner's autopsy said he didn't die from chiking to death or it would have shown in the blood vessels in his eyes.

    1. BLM in Section 8 Da BuryAugust 10, 2020 at 6:27 AM

      you white Supremacist


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