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Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Nancy Pelosi: 'Cannabis.. is a Therapy that proven successful for COVID?

(CNSNews.com) - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) countered a reporter's statement that the HEROES Act included elements that were “not directly related to COVID”--such as a provision allowing banks to do business with marijuana retailers--by stating that “cannabis…is a therapy that has proven successful” in dealing with COVID-19.

“Republicans and the administration got a lot of heat when they released their bill because there was a lot of unrelated things in there, including money for the FBI building, money for the defense, to replenish the wall,” the reporter said to Pelosi.



  1. It's more effective than hydroxychloroquine.

  2. Bills always include PORK. Why does this need to continue?

    Its the 21st Century and we are supposed to be better than this.

    Our country really needs Congressional TERM LIMITS!

    1. Can't agree more, it would reduce the amount of greed and side dealing with Congress. The only issue is getting the occasional AOC ding bat.

  3. Me thinks Nancy has toked too much of the whacky tabachy.

  4. As a dope head she should know.

  5. This is a piece of legislation aimed at California's billion dollar cannabis industry. Banks won't touch their money because it's still federally illegal and the fed controls banking in every state.
    Pelosi is trying an end run around regulations to appease northern California and grab more tax money in the bargain.
    Congress has the ability to legalize cannabis and get it all out in the open, but won't, not in an election year. For her to cite a Canadian study is disingenuous, but that's how she rolls, this time and every time.

  6. 8:28 is correct....ole girl has puffed on one to many doobies (fattys)!

  7. Cannabis is not a therapy for anything. I know I will get back lash from the dumbed down but if you ask any psychiatrist/therapist, etc they will tell you they are overwhelmed with cases of cannabis induced psychosis. Cannabis is for losers.

    1. Cite your source, and your so called ask any psychiatrist or therapist. Appears that the real dumbed down and ignorant prefer BIG Pharma poisions.

  8. Brownies better than tokin!

  9. You'll still get CoVid 19. The only difference will be you don't care....

  10. Proved successful for Democrats in Congress !!!


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