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Sunday, August 30, 2020

Hunter Biden Took HUNDREDS of Trips to Foreign Countries with Secret Service

Judicial Watch received records from the U.S. Secret Service showing that, for the first five and a half years of the Obama administration, Hunter Biden traveled extensively while receiving a Secret Service protective detail. During the time period of the records provided, Hunter Biden, son of then-Vice President Joe Biden, took 411 separate domestic and international flights, including to 29 different foreign countries. He visited China five times.

The records produced with the incomplete response shows that, for the first five and a half years of the Obama administration, Hunter Biden traveled extensively while receiving a Secret Service protective detail. The records show that, between January 31, 2011 and July 8, 2014, Hunter Biden received Secret Service protection for 411 separate domestic and international trips, including to 29 different foreign countries. He received protection while visiting China five times.



  1. Crazy! Now lets compare that cost with the Trump family's cost to taxpayers and see how it compares. Lets also compare if Hunter was taking the secret service to properties his family owned thereby funneling American tax dollars directly into his pocket.

  2. Yawn. Trumps golfed more than Obama did in 8 years after telling us he wouldn't at all. Yet another lie you die hard cheeto lickers don't seem to care about

    1. Lies!! Check yourself. Obama golfed more then any other President..not even close. Oh and see how much of the taxpayers dollars the past administration wasted on trips to this one. Michelle Obama took over 100 friends on her trip to Europe

    2. Obama golfed 333 times as president. So far trump has 136..checked on google

    3. How does golfing compare to literally being paid by a foreign Govn't for special little treats. You people always amaze me.

  3. Hunter is kin to the king of swamp creatures. Just what was China Joe selling to establish so much wealth? 175k a year before taxes so how turned into multiple paid for Holmes and 35 million in the bank? China joes wife is a part time school teacher who hasn’t worked in 10 years. Unless you include being president of multiple non profits.

  4. Weather this is true or not, why is it an issue? All of the Trump's have the same protections and travel frequently with SS protection.

  5. With all this info why do we still have Biden as a presidential candidate and Hunter still dancing around doing who knows what. Charges should have been filed on them a year ago, Joe Biden got his son the job and Hunter had no backgroud for such a job and was over paid. And all of a sudden the Bidens had millions maybe billions of dollars. All this proof needs to be put to trials and convictions not years of headlines. Are we waiting for Joe to be put in a mental facility and Hunter to have an Epstein death hit the headlines. It's all cover up by the Dems and their still flying high.

  6. Manufactured conspiracy. Ask yourself... do they provide any actual evidence of wrongdoing, or do they merely hint at it to let you fill in the blanks?

    Did you ask yourself about Trumps family trips and the secret service travelling with them? How many trips have all of them taken? Plane flights?

    You need to be able to identify false, manufactured outrage. Apply skeptical, critical thinking.

  7. The Hiden Biden's are as corrupt as the day is long.

  8. The democrats will overlook this because there isn't a democrat alive who is a decent person. They are all horrid wastes of space on the earth. If it were a Trump kid they would go ballistic.

  9. Who cares? Stop the phony outrage if you accept it from the Trumps. Hypocrisy is the platform of the right. Hold the Trumps to the same standard as you hold everyone else....bet Trump won't look so good if you do.

  10. Oh just stop with the nasty comments. The President and spouse and VP and spouse should have SS protection. Beyond that, you are on your own, no SS protection. That is the way it should be, but, because it isn't and the people are constantly expected to travel, there will always be comments. Can and have some people traveled excessively, I believe so, but no matter what is said on this blog, it will never end.

  11. 9:51

    Your attempt at equivalency is too funny!

    Please be specific about Trump being corrupt.

    Biden sold you and me out to the credit card companies when he was Senator for his brother to get a no work high paying job.
    Hunter made $83,000.00 per MONTH from Birisma in the Ukraine. When the Ukrainian government started investigating the corruption, dementia Joe famously told them to fire the prosecutor or we (Biden and Obama) would withhold money. The prosecutor was fired in mere hours.
    Hunter secured a large Chines investment with NO experience being and investment manager.

    How does all that work my friend?

    And you try and make Trump equal to that? Laughable!

    1. hunter biden is joe o'biden's son, not his brother 10:04

  12. 10:04 well when's the last time you had a sitting President court ordered to pay a porn stars legal fees?

  13. 10:04 here's a simple one for you. Trump kids visit Ireland. They stay in a Trump owned hotel that's ridiculously far away from the even they are attending. Trump has also visited his own resorts in Hawaii and Scotland. Not to mention Mar a Lago. Your way of thinking "yeah well at least he's not a demoncrat" is stupid. Hypocrisy should be called out on all fronts. Something tells me you're just happy to have some representation in the white house again; an ignorant, low IQ white guy.

  14. 10:48 Trumps golf count is actually 200 which if we project over an additional 4 years will eclipse Obama. Don't take me for someone encouraging Obamas golfing and not Trumps either. I have a problem with a sitting President taking golf trips to his own clubs as the office should not be used to enrich themselves personally. Trump has visited on of his 17 golf clubs 285 times. Using my taxes to pay for a self proclaimed billionaire to golf seems like the welfare deal of the century.

    Also here is a literal quote from Trump on Obama:

    "Everything's executive order because he doesn't have enough time because he's playing so much golf. He doesn't have enough time to convince Congress to do it. This guy plays more golf than people on the PGA Tour," Trump said."

    1. I can't even. Because no President ever has enriched himself. Where did Obama get all his money? It is obvious what his salary was. I have zero issue with a President playing golf. Not sure how we got off topic. This post clearly isn't about who played golf the most. What a middle school response. "If he did it so can I?" Anyway, this is about the research into a child of a Vice President taking bribes. If you would like to use your argument in the context of this post, no child should be taking bribes. That is correct. But this is about Biden who is running for President. Its just more of the same drama. Nothing changes and he obviously is having mental issues. Why can't they find a better canadate who is not suffering from dementia? If you don't want conspiracies, then......

  15. For everyone of you trying to justify Hunter/Joe and compare them to the Trump family, enough already. We know this is your sad attempt to ridicule our president and it's really getting old. You idiot leftist have nothing to go on and you're beating a dead horse. Remember president Trump was a successful businessman before politics, the bidens were not. That's the difference in their travels,destinations,etc.


  16. Bagman, courier or just importing without a license?

  17. You can tell all the liberal city of Salisbury employees are still working from home. During the day such crazy posts. Wait until tonight when the people who have to go to work get off. You will see the difference. It is actually comical.

  18. The problem: they were all round trips.

  19. "Everything's executive order because he doesn't have enough time because he's playing so much golf. He doesn't have enough time to convince Congress to do it. This guy plays more golf than people on the PGA Tour," Trump said."

    "convince congress" You people are such ignoramuses that it's funny. Do society a favor and when you die leave your body to science so we can determine how you brainless function psychically without one.
    The house is part of congress and if you think they will ever agree to do anything for the President you one incredibly ignorant fool. They have obstructed every step of the way
    While on earth please do society a favor and do not multiplicity and if you have SIOP. Like dogs we need to breed out undesirable traits in humans like the stupidity gene you have.

  20. " Anonymous said...
    10:04 well when's the last time you had a sitting President court ordered to pay a porn stars legal fees?

    August 27, 2020 at 10:36 AM"

    When is the last time a presidential candidate forcefully pushed a young aid up against a wall and against her will put his hand under her skirt and brutally and violently rammed his fingers up her vagina?
    Oh wait while that is biden, bill clinton the oval office cigar inserter up the vagina of another young aid made a career out of sexually assaulting woman.

    Trump had an affair. He paid stormy more money then she was offered by the tabloids. Big deal. The affair is between him and Melania. Melania unlike hilary who tried to destroy bill's victims and side chicks handled it with class.
    And while on affairs. What about biden? He and jill had an affair but being the liars they are sold the public for almost 50 yrs a lie love story. They told the lie every where they went to campaign.

  21. He & Daddy went to Pedifile Island on half of them !!!! LOL

  22. On Epstein's Plane !!! Double teaming the waitresses !!!!

  23. Ummm he was the VP's kid sooooo...Doofuses


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