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Sunday, August 30, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Wicomico County Strikes Again

Well here we go again. The Wicomico County Board of Elections is ridiculous. For those of you who are not aware, anyone who lives in the East side of the county will have to go vote in the November Election in Salisbury! That’s right instead of consolidating the East side to one of our schools or Fire Departments they are making us go to Salisbury and vote. Here’s the thing, Mardela High School will be a voting center that day. So why would they not consider opening one of the schools and consolidating anyone from the East Side to go there since we have more population than Mardela?? You would think in order to try and be proactive and not have as many people pile in as possible. So our options are absentee, vote early, vote that day in Salisbury or by mail (that is not gonna happen for me). Apparently we can just show up anywhere and vote. Huh?? How will you know I’m not gonna vote at each location that day?? Is it computerized?? Have you considered this will deter people from going?? Is it because you know this side is gonna vote Red?? It is currently waiting for Hogan to approve the plan. So thanks Wicomico County, once again you prove that Salisbury is more important than anyone else here.


  1. Yup at least you're not in Worcester. The entire county is to vote at Stephen Decatur.

  2. Quit ur moanin’. Smith Islanders have to travel 40 minutes by boat to Crisfield to vote because of Md. board of elections voter

  3. Does that include those who normally vote in Delmar

  4. "If voting mattered TPTB would not let us do it". But in this election the corrupt politicians are scared our votes will matter.

    Everyone needs to contact Hogan's office and tell him "hell no!" on Wicomico Counties election plan.

  5. Hahaha. These are the people you all voted for. These are all your so called buddies. You all went to school together. Lol Keep chasing the EDUCATED professionals away. You all have done it for years. The more you All LIE. The more WICOMICO COUNTY fails.

  6. It's because we have non thinking people in charge. Decisions being made just to show power. People are getting fed up with this stupidity.

  7. Because Salisbury has a higher concentration of leftists. By doing it this way, it tilts the scales in favor of the evil left. They hope this dissuades conservatives from voting due to the inconvenience and conversely making it easier from the libs to get to the polls.

  8. George Soros told the county council to do this....Mwhaha

  9. Headline: Election 2020 - "Vote early, vote often and we will make sure every vote counts!"


  10. What they’re really proving is that voter suppression continues to be alive and well in Wicomico County.

  11. you do know that the Wicomico County Board Of Elections is in fact ran by the state ........

    1. Correct same as Health Department is a local branch of a State entity.

    2. Some ppl just choose to show their ignorance and just see the word "county" and start spouting off at the mouth without knowing.

  12. Stop your whining and just go vote! Its worth the ride!

  13. What do you think they're going to have you drop a piece of handwritten paper into a box?

  14. Deterring people is exactly what they're doing. Sorry conservatives, you don't get to only be mad at voter suppression when it affects your tiny little county when the GOP has been doing it country wide for years and years.

  15. This is the way they manuvered Debbie Campbell from getting re-elected they kept changing the districts till they put her where she would not have the constituents she had and loose votes she told me so herself.

  16. Funny to see people on here blaming the leftist when this is in fact the GOP implementing this. Trump doesn't want you to vote by mail so get in your boats, ride your horse or pull your wagon to the nearest polling place and vote in person....that's what you all wanted when you thought it was only going to affect the 'leftist'.

    1. I have vacant homes around me that I am sure will be getting ballots from past tenants. I will be voting a lot this election. As for the travel to polls? Just ask for an absentee ballot.

  17. The irony is just dripping off this rant. GOP has been doing this to blue areas for decades Joe, Wicomico County isn't that big just drive.

  18. Boomers say millenials are snowflakes but they also make rants like this when they have to get in their car and drive.

  19. What makes more sense, move the voting location to accommodate the population density or move it out to these 250 people towns, create traffic, burden buildings that aren't even big enough to support that influx of people. Quit thinking it's all about you.

  20. Quit bitchin, this is what happens when you live in a rural area.

  21. "Yup at least you're not in Worcester. The entire county is to vote at Stephen Decatur."

    I call BS on this one! On August 21 The Worcester County Board of Elections announced that there would be four in-person polling stations in the County, one each in Pocomoke, Snow Hill, Berlin and Ocean City.

  22. 1008 and your point is????

  23. I'll tell you just how lame Wicomico County Board of Elections is. In the last mayor's election here in Salisbury I was calling registered voters in Salisbury for a candidate I was told I had the latest list of Wicomico County Voters. If this was the latest list then my name is Martha Washington. Most of the voters I called said either the address was wrong, or the person I was trying to contact had been dead more than 5 years, told so by family members. Today I received something address from Jake Day our mayors office wanting info from my mother in law who died in 2017. Wicomico County has the poorest record of voters I think you would find in the state. Last year I shared this with someone from the Wic. Bd of Elections here and was told" no it can't be our records are current "!!!!!

  24. August 27, 2020 at 7:31 AM you are a moron.

    I make more without a degree than some with a degree.
    The indoctrination doesnt matter and most degrees are worthless.

  25. If your voting democrat stay home.


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