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Thursday, August 06, 2020

Female mud-wrestling cage match: Joe Biden's delayed VP announcement has all the candidates at each other's throats

Apparently, Democrats just can't play nice — even with each other.

According to this report in the Washington Post, Joe Biden's inability to make up his mind about whom he wants as his running mate is prompting some female mud-wrestling in the slop pit of contenders:

Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden has extended his vice-presidential search by as much as two weeks, intensifying the jockeying and lobbying between allies of the women who hope to join his White House. Even some longtime Biden allies worry the process has become "messier than it should be," pitting women, especially Black women, against one another.

The dynamic threatens to undermine Biden's effort to use the vice-presidential search to spotlight some of the party's brightest female stars during the highly public vetting process. And it's already providing President Trump's campaign an opening to dig up dirt and launch attacks on potential rivals.



  1. If he picks Harris - she will be ripped apart as potentially being ineligible due to her parentage - as well as her history of climbing the ladder of political success on her back (she is still known as BJ in some circles)...

    If he picks Rice - she will be ripped apart as a swamp-creature of Obama's nature - with a track record of being for a new-world-order and giving up our sovereignty, this would be on par with the Turd's apology tour!

    Either way, the candidate is being selected by gender and race - not by qualifications... Condoleezza Rice and Nikki Haley have gender, race, and political experience all relevant to American values.....

  2. It's actually sort of entertaining.


  3. The entire charade clearly shows the massive disrespect Biden and the DNC have for the actual needs and welfare of our country.

    Ideally, our president is a leader, a manager and executive, has and can articulate a vision we can rally around despite partisan views. And more, of course.

    Biden NEVER has had these qualities; he's a serial plagiarist and now is exposed as an international crook. His iffy health and declining mental acuity are on display.

    In spite of these facts, he had the opportunity to evaluate all the members of the Dem primary clown car as possible VP material, in addition to a variety of other elected officials across the country.

    Behind in the primary action, he committed, seemingly without a plan, to picking a female VP candidate. In one gaffe stroke he swept aside more than half of the aspirants in order to pander. As events unfolded he's painted himself further into the corner, and allowed various race hustlers to pin him down and restrict his options. About 15% of the population is black, and about half of them would be female. Consequently he's left with very few possible candidates, and those speculated about to date all have significant liabilities as part of their records.

    In a normal election there would not be rampant and well founded speculation about whether Biden could serve longer than William Henry Harrison (31 days). This magnifies the importance of his VP choice and none of the names bandied about have much to offer by dint of solid, successful executive accomplishments.

    Joe is a lousier candidate this time than he was twice previously. This will not be pretty.

  4. Nobody wants to run with that BAFFOON. They know they haven't a chance.


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