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Thursday, August 06, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Arrested in Portland

I realize this is a small sampling but an indicator of the liberal bias that has taken over our schools.


Not surprising…


  1. I teach in Wicomico county and you better believe the union is trying very hard to infiltrate the schools with leftist propaganda.

    1. Hundreds of thousands Union members are voting for Trump in November.

  2. Sad indeed. What the hell happened over the years. Sure wish it were back to Father Knows Best extra. Good life


  3. Off topic. What's with all the higher up jobs listed by Wicomico County?

  4. Parents, read your children's textbooks and monitor closely what the teachers are telling your innocent kids! Tell your children that they live in the greatest country on Earth and that they are incredibly lucky to do so.

    Understand something about the education industry: There is very little room for diversity of thought. Teachers are under tremendous peer pressure to accept whatever new paradigm the left-wing establishment wants to shove down their throats.

  5. If you teach hate America in schools - remove history - this is what you have. Education system taken over by liberal demoncraps for one purpose - what is happening now.

    Soro's is and always will be a traitor. I have a question for ALL BLM people - Who is your owner now? You are working for and owned by George Soros - Nazi - Lunatic.

  6. Nothing more than lilly white POS. They should post their families names and addresses on the internet. Let's see how their parents like to be exposed.

  7. OMG! Isn't that interesting.

  8. Yep ! You are spot on. And the same brainwash is happening in WCBOE!

  9. Deport them all to Siberia !!!!

  10. Probably union reps in the Teacher’s Union .

    1. You are absolutely correct. More idiotic academics from I'm gay transgender USA.

  11. Democratic Socialist ARE in our schools even though you don't want to believe it. Anyone want a list? Perhaps we could start who controls the teachers.

  12. Prep school is worth the 3k a month not worry about this bs.

    1. You are SOOOOO right. My wife and I worked 2 job's to keep our kids out of the cesspool wicomico county school system. It was rough but we made it. They are all College graduate's living the dream with great jobs. Jobs that the system couldn't just overlook them to give to a minority.

  13. They are just picking up the extra income that most teachers earn when school is out...

  14. Put them in a Russian Prison !!!


  15. If they teach in Oregon they'll probably get promoted.

    In the real world, they should be suspended pending their case's disposition. Bear in mind that vast majority of 'protestors' were not being arrested so they were doing something extra special in order to qualify for their mug shots.

    After conviction, loss of license should be imposed.

  16. 3:42 Teacher.. lmao


    Please resign.

    1. What's the matter, can't handle the fact that some of us don't support the union? That we can actually be good teachers without being socialists? Way to support diversity of thought and inclusiveness union leader. Just like the alt-left: seek to destroy anyone who doesn't share your personal agenda.

  17. Home school. Best thing you could do for your kids.

  18. Geez look at those mug shots. Liberalism is a mental disorder. They all look so confused with lifešŸ˜‚ Molly’s friends??

  19. Just think, all of them using BLM as an excuse, but a little short on participants of color.

  20. The same unions endorsed Larry Dodd, let that sink in!


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