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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Avoid The Trap The System Is Setting To Ensnare You

One Step Removed

Millions of people are about to enter a financial purgatory, becoming little more than modern-day slaves.

While they’ll be reported by the media as those “evicted” or “foreclosed on”, if we define a slave as someone forced to work for another by existing legal circumstances or approved cultural norms, then that’s exactly what these people should actually be called: slaves.

Too harsh?

Allow me to make my case.
Being ‘One Step Removed’ Is All Evil Needs

Slavery can exist when there’s a system that allows it. It’s a combination of morals (or, rather, lack thereof) and laws that allow one human to control the daily actions of another. Neither a slave’s time nor personal freedom belong to them.

I learned a long time ago that most humans, at best, have what we might call ‘shallow’ morals. There are chemical engineers who would never dump a toxin directly into a child’s cereal bowl, because that would be immoral; but they’ll casually and routinely inject toxins into groundwater tables (which may eventually end up in the local milk supply) because they have an EPA permit to do so.



  1. I keep telling you all are slaves, glad someone can see it other than me... at least that makes 2 people in this world who are not stupid!!!!

  2. 11:45 What have you done about it since you are so smart? Please grace us with your knowledge.

  3. The Republicans use race to keep the poor squabbling while the rich get richer. Capitalism is all for the millionaires and billionaires. Everyone else are just peasants. Instead of hating someone because of the color of their skin, you should use that energy to hate on why the rich are robbing you blind.

  4. In response to the toxin example, I wonder how many are aware that Virginia allows foreign ships to release sewage from their tanks into the Chesapeake off Cape Charles or that dozens of industrial poultry farms (CAFO or Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations) we’re able to tap the deep water drinking aquifer without permits and draw more than the water table can replenish. Of course they have been allowed to continue once they had been exposed by public outcry. The Northam administration is contributing mightily to damaging our fishery and long-term supply of drinking water here on the shore.

  5. Whoa! read this article! Very well written, I hope people pay attention

  6. Um, OK 12:25, but I think you have the Republicans confused with the Democrats in regards to the "race" obsession.

    Question; Do you think Nancy, Joe, Hillary, made all that money from being a public "servant"???

    Nah, me neither

    They are the ones stirring the unrest and destruction in BLACK neighborhoods, Defunding Police, screaming about racial "inequality" pandering with a kneel and a Kente cloth. They are sipping that wine while they sit laughing at all the trouble that keeps the poor and middle class fighting over the "scraps"

    Its all a diversion, to keep people hating one another so they don't see what they are up to. Don't put all the blame on republicans! You are falling for their plan!


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