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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

19 yr. old Kansas Democrat linked to 'revenge porn' now says he'll stay in state House election

A 19-year-old Kansas Democrat running for a seat in the state House -- who said Sunday he would drop out of the race after admitting to a "revenge porn" incident when he was in middle school and to harassing others on social media -- reversed course Tuesday, saying he plans to stay in the race.

Aaron Coleman wrote that since he announced he was dropping out of the race, “I have heard from many of the people who voted for me urging me not to drop out. They said they did not vote for me expecting that I was a perfect person.”

In June, Coleman acknowledged that when he was 14 he made good on a threat to share a nude photo of a girl after attempting to force her to send him more nude photos. He also admitted to harassing other girls online.


  1. He will win and the left will love him. Hollywood will host dinners in his honor and Nancy will make him a board member on one of her various enterprises.

  2. Oh please, he was 14 not like a married man at 60 years old paying off a porn star because he was cheating on his immigrant wife. If it’s good enough for the party of conservative Christians, it’s good enough for the party of liberals.

    1. You are going on hear say. You heard it through the grape vine. You should be smart enough to know the vine was damorat. Go Trump !

  3. He needs to stay in. He exemplifies the democrat party- Hate oozing, vile and gross.

  4. He’s perfect for American politics....started working on his political resume at 14!

  5. Bret Kavanaugh was a teen when he supposedly did something (no proof). Democrats always change the rules when it suits them. What about Joe Biden and his ME Too moment?

  6. 12:22 do you people actual think before commenting? There is no comparison. Having an affair and paying off the other woman is in no way shape or form comparable. Again THINK if at all possible. Affairs don't happen to intentionally and publicly humiliate someone. What he did at 14 was done to intentionally hurt embarrass and humiliate. Please don't tell us you multiplied because if you are raising someone the way you were raised then God help us all. With a parent like you a child needs no enemies. Animals raise their off spring better. At 14 if raised by human beings and not trash a child knows the difference between what is right and what is wrong.

  7. Revenge Porn at 14? Wow the corruption starts early with this one. He should have a looooooong career as a Democrat!

  8. Jakie Day became Mayor - enough said.

  9. The more corrupt they are the more democrats will vote for them.


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