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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Worcester County Considering One Week In School, One Week Distance Learning Rotation

NEWARK – Worcester County education officials are exploring face-to-face instruction, distance learning and a hybrid of the two as they prepare for the 2020-2021 school year.

In a school board meeting Tuesday, officials outlined the Worcester County Public Schools’ Responsible Return model. The plan notes that while the traditional educational environment would be preferable, officials are anticipating continued public health restrictions in the fall and continue to explore available options.

“September is rapidly approaching,” Superintendent Lou Taylor said. “Our timeline is starting to condense quite a bit. It’s my hope that all this work at least for the most part will be done so the next time I meet with the board we can give them a final version of our plan.”



  1. Use science! Back to school full time. Do the research, dummies!

    1. Yup, and the first teacher to die will sue and win alot of money.

  2. Give the poor teachers off another 6 months, we can afford it.

  3. What about working parents. Not all live in a paid for house and can afford to take off to be home. I know the libtard response is you must put the children first. People do have to provide for the poor little children

  4. What a stupid idea.

  5. so then my taxes are cut by half?

  6. Brilliant - with one week on and one week off, how in the world are parents supposed to work? What brainiac came up with this plan?

  7. Let's try something novel. Go back to school!

  8. No school? No pay for teachers! Plus we the taxpayers should demand a partial refund of our property taxes!

  9. What a dumb idea. Guess what folks, you voted for those idiots making that stupid decision.

  10. Look at all of these anonymous comments. Who has the balls to sign your name and call out the elected school board, Superintendent and administrators?

    Just as I thought, no one!

    1. I go to church with Lou and already called him out privately - this isn’t the forum for that

  11. 11:46 Hey, “Pot calling the Kettle Black”, I guess you are one of the castrated ones, as I did not see your name on your post! Just saying!

  12. i love this idea by the way i am a teacher ha ha ha

  13. What will the parents do that have to work? How will a average joe pay for this extra childcare?


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