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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Smoking Citations Jump 488%; Officials Discuss Perceived Increase In Marijuana Use

OCEAN CITY – A discussion about police activity during the month of June evolved into a lengthy discussion about marijuana odor on the Boardwalk at a resort commission meeting this week.

On Monday, Ocean City Police Chief Ross Buzzuro presented the Ocean City Police Commission with an update on police activity for the month of June.

Last month, officer calls for service decreased by 17.7%, while citizen calls for service increased more than 30%.

In the top 25 calls for service, disorderly calls increased from 684 to 1,033, alcohol violations decreased from 509 to 428, and calls for noise complaints and violations increased from 188 to 277. The police department also reported 1,758 calls for city ordinance violations, marking a 40% decrease from June 2019.



  1. Back to ciggy butts again. Geez

    Not even worth a Rickie golf clap

  2. Oh yeah, let’s worry about a little smoking outdoors while the drugs, gangs, and thugs takeover the town. That’s the Mare and silly Council, not to mention the absent police Chief. Great ........

    1. You people complain about topics you know nothing about. Enforcement of these minor violations is meant to discourage congregation of the exact element you say is ruining the beach

    2. Not to mention CV19 racing and raging through the restaurants.

    3. Discourage who? The few here during the week. Now there is enforcement. There hasn't been any true eye on the ball. The damn ball rolled into the ocean, placed there by the dogs on the beach.

      Dogs on the beach in season? Say it isn't so!

      Fireworks on the beach? Say it isn't so!

      Smoking is more important and generates revenue.

  3. You gotta be kidding! The town finally showing the years of no leadership with near riots and their writing citations for smoking! SMH Ricky have another drink, burp ☹️

  4. Boardwalk at 19th street Sunday afternoon around 4 pm. A group of tattooed Hispanics fighting and using foul language to our left while another group mostly black with one obese piece of absolute white trash garbage dropping f bombs threatening to fight. Smell of marijuana heavy in the air. It was so sad and depressing. So much for being a family resort. All this in front of the Ocean Hideaway condo where a 2 bedroom unit is on the market for over 500,000. Face it , the town has gone to shit ever since the philly - Jersey - New York and western PA / West Virginia trash took over . OC has its heyday in the 70’s and all down hill from there. It will be as disgusting as Atlantic City and Wildwood by 2025..

    1. Slot machines soon enuf. Don't say no either. They generate revenue!

      AC had the same mindset....we see how that worked out.

    2. 9:53 they all know they can break the laws in OC and get away with it. Spineless leadership

    3. 9:53 - agreed. The marketing efforts to concentrate on money over the quality of visitors has taken a significant toll. I read some where that one of the city council members recognized this and pushed to go a new direction but it’s yet to provide any change. Just wait to H2oi shows up in the fall - that will be the second black eye (after the mess in June).

  5. Thank your 'Buzz', the chosen one. Him and all the other liberals got it under control!

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  7. Greedy money hungry bastards couldn’t leave well enough alone and do this opening slowly and safely. I’ve eaten my last 13.00 cheeseburger with a 5.00 draft beer. Prices have gone up EVERY SINGLE YEAR. I don’t feel for the business owners.
    They should have prepared for a bad incident. One big wave and this little filth ridden spit of land could be no more. Here’s a help. Sell one of your houses in Florida. Maybe don’t buy a million dollar house in West O’. INSURANCE? We’ve been spending our hard earned cash on overpriced food, overpriced lodging and crappy J1 and snotty American kids far too long.? I applaud the downfall. This particular council and the last one are responsible. So welcome H2Oi, Spring Cruisin and Thugs, welcome to your new home!

    1. Not every business owner is wealthly. Come on. Maybe if it's old money. So many live paycheck to paycheck. You are a moron to applaud downfall. What is wrong with you people. It is trickle down econmics. Good luck with your job you moron.

  8. 9:30 you are a mfing idiot! enforcement? with all the hard crime going on down there I would say it aint working! like you propose!

  9. 9:53 thanks for describing everyones race. I'm sure you're a lovely person too.

  10. OC= No fun. Stopped going decades ago.

  11. 9:37, the only rage happening is closing an entire business because one employee caught a cold or flu. Nobody went to the hospital or died. The government is paying the owners to stay closed. We should all be outraged at this.

  12. I call BS on Buzzaro’s stats and excuses. First off...his stats. It is HIGHLY unlikely that the numbers were so “in sync”. One month the cigarette violations went from 8 to 108 (exactly 100) and then from 41 to 241 (exactly 200). Seriously, anyone can see those numbers are MADE UP. To end on the same exact LAST number, as the previous year, two months in a row and have perfectly round numbers (100 and 200) is bull crap.

    As for his excuse that you can’t tell the difference between hemp/CBD and marijuana...NO ONE SMOKES HEMP OR CBD!!! Therefore, you wouldn’t get the odor from “smoking”. He must think people are as stupid as HE is. No one smokes hemp or CBD because it contains less than 0.03% active THC (tetrahydracanabinol). That is the active chemical that allows you to get high. Smoking CBD or Hemp will not allow you to get “high”. If they are smoking it, it is cannabis. Also, regardless of whether they have a medical marijuana card or not...they are not allowed to smoke it in public places.

    Lastly, he says that people are smoking it on their balconies and it goes down to the boardwalk. I guess he doesn’t understand that smoke RISES...in almost all cases. Especially outside.

    This clown needs to go. He is a liar and con artist. His lack of police knowledge is obvious and makes him the laughing stock of law enforcement.

  13. 930 did the SGT tell you that during roll call?

    Asking for a friend of course!

    (snicker snicker)

  14. Just a wondering. Do Maryland residents or the Federal Government pay for beach replenishment after major storms?

  15. Ocean City smells of pot. I have no problem with pot but to have your kids exposed to it is a worry. When your a adult it's your choice but what happened to a family friendly community?

  16. Ocean City, a Family Friendly Resort, y'all make me giggle.

    And all these people that have a problem with their kids smelling pot, are the same ones that have no problem getting loaded while they sit and watch.


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