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Sunday, July 12, 2020

Where Do You Stand?


  1. Hey since the small business COVID loans are now public lets talk about how Kanye West (billionaire) got between 2 - 5 million, McConnels wife got tens of millions for enployees she doesn't even have and yet my small business hasn't even had a reply! TALK ABOUT THE REAL ISSUES they want you to stay distracted with this crap

  2. I stand for the National Anthem!

    I genuflect at the sign of the cross in church!

    I do this out of respect!

    I don't expect anyone else to do what I do!

    I am an American from the United States.

    I am fortunate and blessed!

  3. So go on already!!! You folks claim to be walking away years ago yet you continue to whine and cry and clearly have been watching.

    1. 1:10-Look who's whining. No, I still haven't watched a game.

  4. Never let a crisis go to waste.

  5. Why oh why can’t we just enjoy sports without politics?

  6. I already took a hike. And I am not coming back.

  7. I have a great idea. If blacks don't like following the rules of the organizations that they work for then why don't they just go form their own football leagues or companies or whatever it is that whitey is doing to suppress them. You know, kind of like segregation. The country has tried to embrace them but it's never enough. It's time to part ways

    1. You got to be joking 1:32

    2. 6:17pm
      You clearly arent listening.

  8. I am taking a hike

  9. taking a Hike away from all professional sports and their pandering

  10. that is why i dont watch football any more. thanks sjd

  11. Not watching any professional sports.

  12. For me, NFL means Not Frickin' Likely.

    Advertisers, take heed.

  13. For me and my house we are taking a hike from all sports and racing due to the disrespect afforded to the U.S.of A.
    Don't give a crap if anyone cares or likes it or not. This is all bullcrap.

  14. Man, you guys are STILL bitching about the whole kneeling thing from 3 years ago? Grow up.

  15. It looks like the COVID-19 Pandemic crisis will put professional sports in their rightful place! No more BIG noney for you! LMFAO!

  16. Really like your idea 1:32PM.

  17. I’ve replaced sports with target practice on the gun range

  18. Watching other people excel in professional sports just doesn't get my interest. That goes double when they get political.

  19. I do miss pork rinds.July 7, 2020 at 2:46 PM

    wow. i didn't know that sports were still a thing. I quit watching a long time ago. it's nice to not have meaningless events to worry about. as a military veteran, i don't care who protests or not. none of it matters. none of it. i can only control what i do with my family instead of worrying about worthless millionaires and out of touch celebrities say or do. read some books, educate yourself, and talk to your family, that's more important. have a good day.

    1. 2:46 It really does matter, you will soon see. Your freedoms are slowly being diluted but you don't have enough intelligence to know it. Pork rinds is not all you're gonna miss.

  20. It's turning into Rollerball, all politico-corporate interests.

  21. Just think how lost theses fools would be if we called for a stop to playing the National Anthem at sporting events! This would fix those Morons!

    1. It's coming 2:56 but will fix nothing. I don't know what you're thinking but that's exactly what they want

  22. 132 or since the organizations they work for obviously rely on their talent and labor, they can take a stand, exercise their 1st amendment rights, and make demands on that organization. That is how America works.....oh except when it comes to people of color of course, atleast in your view.

    1. They can take all the stands they want, I won't be watching !!!!

  23. I took as hike years ago when Kapernick took a knee.
    Last straw was hearing they are going to play the black national anthem and take a knee. Enough is enough!!!
    People watch sports to relax and have good time.
    Politics and political correctness have destroyed just about all sports!!!
    Some of us are going back to looking at old reruns of sports events.
    No loss!!
    Same for Baseball!

  24. Been long gone. Bought a boat. Car for the wife. She even wants to buy a gun to shoot at the range. Ahhh. Quality time with my beautiful wife. Hell the sex is even better.

  25. Not only taking a hike from football but I an taking a long ride away from NASCAR.

  26. Noosecar handled the innocent perfect and probably saved lives doing it. But I will step away. Bubble Wallace is not a good driver and he will have a lot of pressure on him driving the blackcard.

  27. Don't just take a hike,let the sponsors know your taking a hike.

  28. Someone should post all the sponsorship of NASCAR. That way I can boycott ALL OF THEM.

  29. I'm taking a hike also

  30. The moment sports started disrespecting sports, I stopped watching. I had a lot of backlash from my friends and family for not holding viewing parties anymore. I like a good cookout event and socializing more than most people, but I can't stand for everything to become so political. I'd rather see a new sport created, where the players and drivers were forced to be fan selected or bought or bid on to decide before each weeks game. Maybe force them to hire more players so there will be more people employed with awesome jobs instead of 1 player being overvalued by millions. I'd watch it as long as there is no anthem to be disrespected or politics involved. I don't care if the players and drivers and owners and coaches make statements about different things that are important to them off the field or track. We all have our own beliefs, but that doesn't mean I have to subscribe to yours or force mine on you. Most of us know right from wrong and call it as we see it, but there's nothing forcing us to agree with it. My family is not in complete agreement with my choice to not participate in any sporting viewership, but they have come to respect my decision. I even made a bit of cash selling my memorabilia on eBay. It is amazing how freeing it all has been. I wasn't aware of how into it I was, but am so glad I stopped. Unless there is an everyman league created where any average joe or Joanne can play, I'll think I'll stick to watching streaming content with my wife.

  31. 446 innocent, bubble, noose car. Lol omgoodness

  32. The one positive of Covid has shown us how we really do not need sports. I was one who never thought I would give up sports. I had cut back, but could not stop completely. Now I truly do not miss it. I hope enough people stop attending that athletes will have to have a real job again just to be able to play the game.

  33. Easy fix. Stop playing the anthem. Stop having taxpayer money used to support military/sports. Seat the fans, blow the whistle, play the game. That’s the only way politics will be taken out of all of this.

    Why bother with the anthem before the games? We don’t do it before a movie or a play. Most sports outside of NFL and NASCAR have pros from outside of the US. Do you stand at home? When you are on the concourse do you stop? For most it is a no.

    1. You're a communist Nate why don't you leave the country if you feel that way

  34. Hiking since Kapernick took a knee and now Nascar, Left the NFL with Colon Krappernik. I enjoy sports BECAUSE they avoid politics. It's an escape from everyday news. Now with NFL, NASCAR and others, sports are no longer part of my agenda.


  35. Comprehensive hike that includes sports, sponsors, companies that rushed to demean and prostrate via virtue signaling. Will find replacements who just sell their products. 50+ years of NFL stuff has been sent to the attic.

    I don't make a lot of noise but I follow through and persist. No viewers equals no paychecks; will be expensive lesson for those who pissed off their customers. The cartoon sums it up perfectly!

  36. Used to watch and was a fan. Now I am disillusioned with the whole franchise, and have better things to do with my time than to watch professional / political football. None of those high priced commercials will ever reach me. Take that NFL, and your sponsors.

  37. Go watch a high school game its real.

  38. I went to the races in Delaware for 4th of July. When they played the REAL national anthem EVERYONE stood and stood SILENT to show our country the respect it deserves. It was great to see. Even the kids didn't make a peep. And the men all took off their hats too. Mustn't forget even the smallest details of showing respect!

  39. Millionaire blacks lecturing me about "white privilege".

    I respond with my viewing habits.

    Oh, by the way, Wendy's is off my list of possible fast food choices.


  40. We're done with sports. For many watching sports wasjust a way to pass the time with your family and friends. Why would we want to hear a bunch of whining and bitching about racism and whatever else some fruitloop wants to cram down our throats. The players have become so full of themselves it's not even funny. I've got news for them, people are like water and will follow the path of least resistance. We will find other ways to have fine in the future. Food luck former players I hope you enjoyed the spotlight while it was yours

  41. I don't know why anyone would still be a fan but what if someone wears an old logo into the stadium? Will they make them change their shirt?

  42. Americans won’t need sport entertainment if the lockdowns continues into the Fall

  43. All sports will start without any hold up after the election if Communist Joe wins.

  44. The new name will be announced today, Monday.

    I hope they lose all of their fanbase. Bunch of stupid a$$ White Cowards.

  45. 615 how is this eroding freedoms. It is EXERCISING them. It is truly a communist country when you stop being able to criticize the government.

  46. I'm taking a knee, I'm taking a hike and I'm changing my name to the Washington Deadskins!


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