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Monday, July 06, 2020

Western Supermarkets Drop Coconut Goods Picked By Slave Monkeys

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Asia investigators found Thailand's major coconut milk producers are forcing monkeys to pick coconuts as slave laborers. After the report emerged, major Western supermarket chains have removed coconut water and oil from their store shelves that are connected with these farms.

Eight farms were noted in the report. Two in focus are Aroy-D, and Chaokoh, which have dozens of monkeys picking upwards of 1,000 coconuts each, per day. It was found these two farms supply coconut products to Giant Food, Food Lion, Stop & Shop, and Hannaford in the U.S.

PETA said Walgreens Boots Alliance had dropped products from Aroy-D and Chaokoh:

After hearing from PETA, Walgreens Boots Alliance has pledged to not stock Aroy-D or Chaokoh, and not knowingly sell any own-brand coconut food and drink products of Thai origin in their 9,277 Walgreens and 250 Duane Reade stores in the U.S. and 2,758 Boots stores in the U.K. and Thailand, and Morrisons has suspended its supply of Chaokoh products pending an investigation and Ocado, Waitrose, and Co-op have committed to never knowingly stocking any products from suppliers that use monkey labour. - PETA said on its website

Following PETA's report, 15,000 stores worldwide have abandoned products from Thailand's major coconut milk producers the employ monkeys.

PETA released disturbing images of the coconut picking monkeys:



  1. Who cares?! Coconut SUCKS.

  2. Whoa.....Ok, MIND BLOWN! Didn't see this one coming! So I'm thinking ANYONE who has had this product, or ever had thoughts about "Monkey enslavement" must have contact tracing done NOW! Hey, on 2nd thought, I'm thinking them thar Monkees may be able to be used in place of 99% of our current congress, and lime our president say's..."Whatta ya got to lose" TRUMP 2020!! Lol :)

  3. Thai Liberals will swoop in and create monkey unions, collect dues and enable monkeys to collectively bargain for better wages and working conditions. Striking will be encouraged, as will be screeching and throwing poop at anyone in their way. Of course, the Liberals will persistently lobby the government to give monkeys the vote.

    1. So what's wrong with better wages and working conditions 6:07? You must be in management.

  4. Monkey Lives Matter!

  5. Maybe Biden will pick a monkey VP?

  6. Monkey Lives Matter!

  7. That is horrific. People can be really disgusting.

  8. Send them to any Democrat controlled city . They will fit right in with the bowel movement matters crowd.

  9. I would really like a comment about this but I know that It would be deleted

  10. Next they are going to ask the police to surrender their K-9 slave dogs. Not joking.

  11. I guess the Amish shouldn't be allowed to use draft horses to plow their fields or harvest their crops. They don't pay the horses, so they are "slave" labor too. PETA is for crazy people, pure and simple.

  12. Northwest Woodsman: I suggest that they be given a living wage of at least $15.00 per hour so that they can support their families.

  13. I for one approve of this very specific form is “slavery”.

  14. I think it's very fitting.


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