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Monday, July 06, 2020

Never Trump Republicans Plot to Give Democrats the Senate Majority

Never Trump super PAC the Lincoln Project and other anti-Trump Republicans continue to plot to not only take down President Donald Trump, but also the Senate Republican majority, according to a report released on Saturday.

Never Trump Republicans believe that preventing a second term for Trump is insufficient, and that Senate Republicans must also pay the price of backing the 45th president.

Steve Schmidt, who works for the Never Trump Lincoln Project, said, “The analogy would be in the same way that fire purifies the forest, it needs to be burned to the ground and fundamentally repudiated. Every one of them should be voted out of office, with the exception of Mitt Romney.”

To wage their war on the Republican Party, the Lincoln Project announced six-figure ad buys against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Sens. Joni Ernst (R-IA), Thom Tillis (R-NC), and Martha McSally (R-AZ). The latter three senators face competitive Senate races this November.

Breitbart News reported in June that the Lincoln Project endorsed Montana Democrat Gov. Steve Bullock’s bid to unseat incumbent Republican Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT).

“Bullock represents the best of America’s ideals,” John Weaver, one of the Lincoln Group’s cofounders, said. “He cares about his constituents and works every day to make sure their lives are better. The Lincoln Project is proud to support Steve Bullock and usher in a new era of decent, fair, and honest leadership.”

Jennifer Horn, a former New Hampshire GOP chairwoman who advises the Lincoln Project, said that Senate Republicans had the “authority and the ability” challenge Trump, but chose not to.

“The only way to make sure that Trumpism doesn’t continue to rule the Republican Party for years to come is to make sure that we defeat not only the president, but those people who have enabled him,” she added.



  1. What kind of crazy lunatics have we elected to run this country?

    1. Career politicians, that's who. We are no longer a a country of the people, by the people for the people but one the politician with the most money to advertise. It is not about what we the people want, who we really want in office. We need term limits as well as a limit on what a campaign can spend. It should be the same for all those running for office!

  2. Well.....Here I go AGAIN...Begin RANT...We ALL (including me) need to spend as much time and effort DEMANDING accountability from ALL our elected officials that CONTINUE to work AGAINST "us"...their constituants! We NEED to call, write, email ALL of those republicans pushing this crap! If not, then we deserve ALL that results from it!..God Bless America...over & out!

  3. America love it or leave it.

  4. these are evil deep state people and must be exposed continually for just who they are...they are NOT Patriots by any stretch of the imagination!

  5. Demand term limits.

  6. The NEVER Democrat movement has also begun 2020 !!! Wait & See !!


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