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Monday, July 27, 2020

Walmart, Home Depot and other retailers walk back face mask mandates, will serve maskless customers

Following several dangerous confrontations, stores won't enforce face mask rules.

Some of the biggest U.S. retailers have instituted mandatory mask policies over the past two weeks to combat the spread of COVID-19, including Walmart. The Business Roundtable, an association of CEOs from some of America's biggest corporations, called for companies to require face mask mandates for customers of retail locations and restaurants. However, a week later, many companies are walking back their mask mandates following several highly publicized incidents centered around wearing face coverings.

Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, Home Depot, Lowe's, and other nationwide retailers said they would serve customers even if they violate mask mandates, according to CNN. The change in policy is to prevent confrontations between customers and employees.

The companies want to avoid negative publicity and potential violence stemming from customers refusing to wear face masks in stores. This comes after multiple events where customers became irate, including one instance where a man brandished a gun at a Walmart employee because of the mask mandate.



  1. I wish I could convince everybody to refuse to wear a muzzle.

    1. Hey how about this, let everybody do as they choose and mind your own business

  2. Because it is all about the money.

  3. duh...it's about time the wake up!!!

  4. I called Salisbury Walmart and the teen answering the phone SAYS NO and masks have to be worn SO WHICH ONE IS IT.

  5. Stand up and fight for your rights!!!! Win every time!!!! Why can't you see that???
    It should be up to the individual to make that choice not others!!!

  6. This still does not give employees the right to put their hands on a non complying customer. I have seen such ridiculous videos. They put the blame the customers but if YOUR masks works then who cares if no one else is wearing one?

    1. MY mask doesn't do anything and YOURS doesn't either 8:43

  7. You mean people actually believed these chain stores could compel the wearing of a mask!?

  8. A little girl at wall mart tells you what an when to do what. THEIR IS A REASON YOU SEND A KID TO DO A ADULTS JOB.

  9. Then don’t have the rule!

  10. The State and local officials made these ridiculous mandates, then leave business owners holding the enforcement bag, threatening to yank their licenses and/or impose fines if they don't enforce masks. The management of the businesses then put minimum wage employees in harm's way; leaving them to enforce the store policies. I have told my two young teenage daughters to not argue with customers over this as the business they work at has only a couple of young females present at a time, no manager present, only a "shift supervisor" and all are under 25. I don't want them to get beat up like happened to employees at West OC Chipotle! I believe the masks are a farce but comply when I am in a store so as not to make an all ready difficult time even harder on business owners and their employees, but enough is enough; mask requirements need to go! If you are worried, then wear yours or stay home. Coronavirus is here to stay, individuals need to deal with it as fits their particular risk group, and the rest of us need to get on with our lives. Sheesh.

  11. Man, you piss babies will whine about anything. Stores requiring a mask is no different than requiring you to wear a shirt or shoes. This isn't about your rights, it's about protecting employees and customers from an infectious, airborne disease. You guys are pathetic.

    1. 8:00
      I have a minimal RIGHT to breathe fresh air.

      You can go to Tel Aviv if you don’t like it

  12. Can't imagine living in any other country!


    Trump 2020 too!

  13. Awesome! Good for these people for pushing back on the tyrannical mandates!

  14. 8:00 masks do not work. Also, they are not like shirts or shoes, they inhibit oxygen intake and can be dangerous.

  15. Walmart, Target, Lowe's - all know what side their bread is buttered on. 😂😂😂😂


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