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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Trump: The Incumbent Outsider

In his Rose Garden remarks Tuesday from the White House, President Donald Trump set the terms of engagement he will be taking against Joe Biden in this Fall's election.

"America lost nearly 10,000 factories while Joe Biden was vice president," the president said. "Think of that: 10,000 factories."

"So Biden was here for 47 years. Eight years — the last eight years, not long ago — as vice president, he said, 'One in five miles of our highways are still in poor condition.' Well, we’re doing a good job in highways, but why didn’t he fix them three years ago?" Trump asked the gathered media and cable news cameras. "Why didn’t he fix them?"

Trump went on to quote Joe Biden's remarks from earlier in the day. "'Tens of thousands of bridges are in disrepair and on the verge of collapse.' Well, it’s probably not a right number, but we have bridges that should have been fixed. Why didn’t he fix them? He was there for eight years with President Obama. Why didn’t they fix them?"

"And he didn’t do any of the things, but now he says he’s going to be president, and, as president, he’s going to do all the things that he didn’t do," Trump concluded.

It's a devastating and powerful campaign message for a man challenging the incumbent administration on its failures. But the really amazing thing is that Trump is the incumbent.

Donald Trump is a president running for re-election as an outsider.




  1. If you consider an outsider someone who negates the opinions of experts in their field then absolutely.

  2. As a conservative I am hopeful for 2020 that the GOP can regain control of the House, maintain control of the senate, and win POTUS again. That having been said, admittedly I sometimes cringe when Trump speaks. I am sure it is often confounding to his administration when he blabbers and blusters. Okay, I get that, he is not a "polished" silver tongued orator. One must look at the record and accomplishments however to see what he has taken on where other administrations feared to tread. Look at the adversity he has faced taking on a liberal congress that hates him for no other reason than he is Donald Trump and beat Hillary Clinton. How dare he talk down to them! They are revered career politicians that have done squat for decades kicking "the can" down the road, debating ad nauseum, pandering and passing the buck, promising and promising come election cycle. Ask yourselves seriously without snide remarks, what could we have accomplished had he had some bipartisan support?

    1. 8:27 am. Thank you for your comment. I could not have said it better. I hear comments all the time that he lies. I keep asking for examples and have received none. I'm sure as our President that their are secrets to be kept in protecting our Country. All I can say is how I feel - I feel he is the best President America has seen in a long time. I feel Trump loves America and does his best to make us Great again.

  3. He speaks (not always well) for a very great many political outsiders.

  4. Please, please, vote Republican, President, house, senate, the whole nine yards, for your own good and the good of the whole country. Trump is our only hope, other than God. Please, everyone, put away your hatred for Trump and vote for him,. You will thank God every day, at least for the next 4 years, that you did.


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