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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Physician Explains Why Closing Schools in the Fall Doesn't Agree with the Science

One of the biggest questions during the coronavirus outbreak at the moment is whether or not children will be back in their classrooms this fall. Some fear that it's too risky, that children won't know how to social distance, and that they will spread the virus to one another. But that fear is unwarranted, explained Dr. Scott Atlas on Fox News on Wednesday.

"If you believe in the science, the science says that 99.7 percent of deaths in the U.S. are in people over 15, 99.9 percent are in people over 24," Dr. Atlas, a former Stanford neurology chief, explained.

Also noteworthy is that the hospitalization rate for influenza is much greater than COVID-19 for children, according to the CDC.

So what is this really about?



  1. .3 % of the US population (roughly 328,200,000) is still 984,600 people. Don't let percentages skew your judgement. This is about ensuring no child or teacher dies from a preventable illness. Teachers do not sign up to be front line workers during a pandemic. In a country like the US where we are seeing cases skyrocket again it would be foolish to re-open schools. But hey, if you want to send your kids into danger then go for it.

    1. Um...clearly you don't know much about math. It's 0.3% of DEATHS, not the entire population. There has been 1 death under 18 in the entire state of Maryland, which has approximately 1.32 million people under 18. Try again genius.

  2. Imagine sending your kid into danger because Donald Trump told you to.

  3. I heard yesterday that seaside Christian academy will open for all students in the fall

  4. There is zero way I believe that students went down in math and reading scores in 2 months. Come on. They make data up data to say whatever they want. And homeschoolers have shown that their testing scores are higher then most public school kids. Always an exception to the rule. While some of this article I can agree with, alot I don't. I hope more people took the time to look into homeschooling. Teach you kids the truth and how to think outside the box.

  5. Too late the ignorant sheep have been conditioned. They now bend over and accept whatever the lying stinking deceiving leftist subversives tell them. School unions are a big part of this deception. Now is the time for school vouchers!! l

  6. Teaching has suddenly become a more attractive profession.

  7. we shouldn't transport our children, because they could die in a vehicle accident which is preventable.... we should never send our kids to school because the could get the flu and it become pneumonia which is preventable..and the list goes on.

  8. im a teacher will teach in my PJs and lounge in my pool all day thank god for teachers

  9. Why should we go to school if you won't listen to the educated?

  10. 12:14 you think a global pandemic is the same as getting in a car?

  11. Perhaps 12:14 should return to school with the children if they think those comparisons are just.


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