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Thursday, July 23, 2020

Trump baits a trap for Biden

The big news from President Trump’s weekend interview with Fox’s Chris Wallace is that Wallace challenged Trump’s contention that Biden has agreed to defund the police. (Trump is right; Wallace is wrong. Just saying.) What got some press, although not as much, is Trump’s claim that the standard cognitive test he took was “very hard.” Wallace smugly countered this assertion, as did every Democrat. Trump, of course, will have the last laugh because he’s forcing Biden to take the test.

During the interview with Wallace, Trump pushed hard about Biden’s mental competence (emphasis mine):

TRUMP: And you know why I won’t lose, because the country in the end, they’re not going to have a man who – who’s shot. He’s shot, he’s mentally shot. Let him come out of his basement, go around, I’ll make four or five speeches a day, I’ll be interviewed by you, I’ll be interviewed by the worst killers that hate my – my guts. They hate my guts. There’s nothing they can ask me that I won’t give them a proper answer to. Some people will like it, some people won’t like it.

WALLACE: I agree with that.

TRUMP: But look –



  1. Grab him by the balls Trump!!!!

  2. First, that test is a joke.

    Just go look at it. Trump bragging about passing a test designed to identify dementia. Only Trump, am I right? Seriously, go look at the test. A child could pass it.

    Second, Trump isn't forcing Biden to do anything, and there is no trap.

    This is some SENSATIONAL spin on what was obviously a very bad and embarrassing interview to Trump. The people are starting to see through his con. I mean, if this is how FOX NEWS is covering him, then it's obvious this grifters house of cards is coming down.

    1. 9:26 am since you are the expert on this test please show us the test. Yes Trump wants Biden to take the test. By not doing so it puts a lot of doubt (which we already know) Biden is not home. His brain has been fried by all the lying he has done in the Government the last 30 years.
      You know and I know there is something differently wrong with his speech and his thinking process. Nice try

    2. 12:13 - A child just might be able to pass that test, but can o'biden? Get back on here and post his score when it becomes available

  3. Squash the RAT in the TRAP 2020 !!! Fire ALL Democrats 2020 !!!!

  4. Not really a trap when the violence is occurring during Trump's presidency.

    1. - Antifa supported by Biden to make Trump look bad. Too bad you seem to be the only one who hasn't figured that out. I do hope they don't let you vote.

  5. "Trump cites the civil and economic unrest during his presidency as proof of a future democrats would bring"

    1. It's a very unorganized coop that is doomed to fail. There are still enough intelligent people in this great country to vote President Trump a second term.
      TRUMP 2020

    2. Most of Americans have figured Trump out. And the results don’t look promising.

  6. @ July 23, 2020 at 10:21 AM

    Wallace replies that Democrats have run cities for decades with no civil and economic unrest.

    What Trump is involved in here is a false strawman, and so is anyone else forwarding this false narrative.

  7. It is not a false narrative. Every city with this outrageous senseless demonstrations, murders are Democrat States. You are you kidding yourself.

  8. 9:26

    Yes, a child could pass it, but Joe won't be able to.

  9. Remember when Chris Wallace said Trump will be removed for being involved with Russia and its serous. He has sources close to the investigation? Yeah, I do. Remember when he said Russia hacked the DNC? Not so much.

  10. I can’t figure why Trump would give such a loser a interview. That Wallace boy is just like his dad. Two pieces of feces.

  11. Why do you Socialist Liberals comment this test is so easy and BIDEN states he passes these test then why does BIDEN not take one in a room by himself and quell the debate on his competency?

  12. Chris Wallace's grandfather should have practiced safe sex...

  13. @ July 23, 2020 at 8:56 PM

    This is so true. Republicans are now coming out and saying they are voting for Biden, and doing so publicly? Trump is now poisonous... you watch... the bleeding is just gonna get worse.


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