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Thursday, July 23, 2020

"He Sits At Home Smoking Weed": Desperate Landlord Seeks Advice On What To Do With Broke And Unemployed Tenant

Back before the days of "social justice" and the pandemic, when you had a tenant that didn't pay the rent, the consequences were simple: you would evict them. But nowadays - where everybody is criticized for being insensitive about everything and feelings matter more than facts (and certainly more than our economy) - one landlord felt so sufficiently confused about what to do with his deadbeat tenant, he had to write to MarketWatch's Moneyist column for advice.

"I have rented a house behind my own home to someone in the service industry who is out of a job because of COVID-19, and now he can’t pay the full rent," the letter says.

Then, he talks about how he is slaving away, hustling to handle his own personal financial situation while handing a pass to his tenant, ostensibly because he feels guilty: "I am fortunate enough to still have a job, but I am heavily in debt with student loans, my mortgage, and other bills. I work very hard, including early and late hours and weekends. I have referred my tenant to companies hiring during COVID-19, but he isn’t interested or says it pays too low."

The landlord then notes that no matter what type of help he has offered his tenant, he is just "always smoking weed": "Instead, he is hanging out with friends or his girlfriend, and always smoking weed. He tells me I should forgive or discount the rent. It should be noted that he is already getting a discount since the rent is well below market price."



  1. Why is this guy hassling his tenant?
    Come on man

    It is only money

    1. Would should this guy get a free pass - he probably doesn't want to work because he 8s getting more from unemployment than 8f he went back to work. Thrown him out.

  2. Obviously this represents everyone that needs assistance right? Perhaps we should be less concerned with what people are doing with 600 a week and more with what giant companies are doing with billions a year?

    1. Giant companies are supporting Biden and blm so be happy. Lower your voice but on the mask and go to Walmart. Do not talk and do not roam. If you want to take photos of police or block traffic to record or protest that is ok. Stay out of small business. You have been warned.

    2. You can complain about rich people but your are the blame for their wealth. Ex 200 dollar Nike shoes, 1,000.00+ apple phones, 5.00 or more for cup of Starbuck coffee, take out from McDonald's, Wendy's, groceries delivered from Target, Walmart, clothes from Under armor and more. These are wealthy companies whom YOU make rich with your sorry ass at-home collecting 600 a week extra on unemployment. Don't blame the wealthy for your problems.

  3. This sounds like a red versus blue issue. I say throw his ass out!

  4. Plenty of ways to make him want to move out..bright lights, loud music, water problems, call the law for pot smoking, intimidation.

  5. Consistently you folks feed on articles that are based on total make believe strawman arguments. They create the strawman then throw out some half baked crack pot ideas that are similarly devoid of facts/data or critical thinking. This is all packaged and shoveled to you in order to rile you up and keep you clicking/watching. While they make profits, we are all left more divided and at each others throats over nonsense.

    In this example: "Back before the days of "social justice" and the pandemic, when you had a tenant that didn't pay the rent, the consequences were simple: you would evict them."

    BULL. States and localities have their own very clear cut Landlord-Tenant laws that cover the eviction process LOL. Most recent changes were due to COVID response, NOT any social justice bull. And those changes are temporary and directly tied to COVID related job losses. Most people would call ceasing evictions on the mom who works at the diner that was closed by the government as a part of COVID precautions as a common sense humane measure. I challenge anyone believing the nonsense in this article to find a recent change in landlord tenant codes that can be tracked back to recent social justice protests.

    1. The thing is this is exactly what is happening. People are not paying the rent. But they are going to dinner and on vacation. You are delusional if you don't see what is happening. And don't even get me started on how bad the rentals get trashed. And the eviction process is very hard. People live in rentals for months and never pay. It isn't easy to go through the process. There is a culture issue and as long as you pretend their isn't, nothing will ever change. We can't buy ourselves out of it. If one was laid off, they made more money then going to work. Pay the freaking rent. It isn't free. Not every landlord is rich. There are plenty of jobs out here to be had too. Plenty. Why is it we think it is ok to not work and not pay bills to live? Why is it, I should have to work and support someone who doesn't work. Socialism doesn't work it won't work. Never has, never will.

    2. Dude, the point is this article is crap. I AM A LANDLORD. Been one for years. We face the same challenges we have been facing for years and it has ZERO to do with recent "social justice" protests as the article implies. The only diffrence now is the COVID related eviction restrictions which actually make perfect sense. "Why do you think its ok to not work and pay bills..." Hey doofus, where did my comment state this? Learn to read and comprehend

    3. The social injustice movement is a cultural issue. And this culture issue is exactly what is causing issues for landlords and has been and will continue to. My statement wasn't just directed to you. It was just that a statement and it is true, why should people live rent free? There is zero reason for anyone to not be paying their rent right now. All the programs and free money and unemployment being handed out is more then enough. And just about everywhere is hiring. Don't be so offended. Just because I do not agree with you, and know you are wrong doesn't mean I can't read or comprehend. When you say mean hurtful things to others, it takes away from your stance. Keep your creditably at least but not being judgmental and rude. If you could open up and understand what I am saying, we would probably actually agree. People stopped paying their rent because the response to these protests have been don't pay the rent. If you can't be evicted, why bother paying it. It is a downward culture issue that has resulted in this mess. Not all Landlords can afford to keep a home with zero rent coming in. People who haven't paid are people who can pay they just choose not too. That is not ok. Nothing in life is free nor should it be.

    4. The social injustice movement is a cultural issue. And this culture issue is exactly what is causing issues for landlords and has been and will continue to. My statement wasn't just directed to you. It was just that a statement and it is true, why should people live rent free? There is zero reason for anyone to not be paying their rent right now. All the programs and free money and unemployment being handed out is more then enough. And just about everywhere is hiring. Don't be so offended. Just because I do not agree with you, and know you are wrong doesn't mean I can't read or comprehend. When you say mean hurtful things to others, it takes away from your stance. Keep your creditably at least but not being judgmental and rude. If you could open up and understand what I am saying, we would probably actually agree. People stopped paying their rent because the response to these protests have been don't pay the rent. If you can't be evicted, why bother paying it. It is a downward culture issue that has resulted in this mess. Not all Landlords can afford to keep a home with zero rent coming in. People who haven't paid are people who can pay they just choose not too. That is not ok. Nothing in life is free nor should it be.

  6. Hey, man, smokin' weed ain't free!

  7. Let the local Government pay the rent. They are the ones that have closed down peoples opportunity to work in their chosen field. Not fate, not Covid. City and county councils, mayors and Governors are responsible.
    I know Doctors that have been forced out of work. Do you expect them to work at Home Depot?
    Musicians that are paying off college loans have been put out of work. Flip burgers because the Mayor won’t allow outdoor music?
    No way! We pay taxes too. The effing government can support us if they are going to force us out of work.
    Landlords that harass, threaten or intimidate, or even mention money, rent increases or eviction during this stressful pandemic should be PUNISHED to the fullest extent of the law with JAIL TIME!
    No one deserves to worry about trying to find a place to live when they’ve been subject to COVID, forced unemployment and shut in stay at home orders...

    1. Heck yes. It should all be free. All of it. The Govn't should give us everything for free. So since we don't have to pay for rent. Which free house will you pick? I'm trying to decide between a mansion in Hawaii or maybe the Hamptons. Shoot. With your plan is it to much to ask for 2 free houses? I wonder who will be the one that plans to work to make sure we have all our free stuff. Who will grow the food, build the houses? I mean once it is all free I'm not planning to work. Are you? Wait? Should the bank forgive my mortgage too? Should be arrest the bankers for making me pay for the house I signed for? Or should that be free and the bankers can go to jail too. I don't get how you can rationalize it. Oh and yes, if I was a Dr and lost my job and Home depot was all I had. Yes, I would work there and put food on my table. Kinda how this works.

  8. Social distance from the tenant. Don’t pay, don’t stay.

  9. How about we think of the landlord. He/She worked hard to buy that rental property. The landlord is the responsible party obligated to pay property taxes. If The taxes are not paid The landlord looses The property to a tax sale. No govt. mandate to help The landlord. The landlord is responsible for maintenance of the property. The landlord is responsible for the mortgage, no pay equals forclosure. Plus the time involved of the rental process. SO how can you defend a lazy, pot smoking tenent. I could possibly understand and help IF the tenant was making some effort to pay but would do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to have him evicted. Signed, been there

  10. 11:08
    Apparently you must be a lazy free loading liberal with no experience or the ability to understand the responsibility of finance. Why should the landlord go broke and loose what he/she worked hard for because of someone who refuses to even try to work. I would bet you are sitting at home free loading off your landlord. Get a job!!!!!

  11. @1108 Yes I do expect them to work wherever they can find work. I wouldn't give a damn if it was digging ditches. Take that entitled horseshit somewhere else. There are no guarantees in life.

    Most of you lot are going to starve and die when the economy fully collapses. It is coming by the way. Once the world sees America printing cash well beyond what it can ever repay they will no longer accept the dollar. That means all of those dollars you may hold become worthless and everyone is stuck scrambling to acquire whatever new currency is printed. It sounds good in theory having the rich and poor on equal terms but you won't be on equal terms. The rich have assets owned the poor do not and all will be scrounging for any of the new currency in existence.

  12. Get a couple of guys and pay them to beat the shit and have him disappear.

  13. Never rent to minorites. They know all the games and will DESTROY your house.

  14. 1:06 wrong.
    It does not work that way.
    The government (dems) are doing all they can to make COVID hurt to blame Trump and effect the election.
    They are destroying the economy under false pretense with closures. So, yeah, they can pay for the people they have screwed.
    And YES. There is protection for landlords. Do the research instead of making yourself look unknowledgable.
    Landlords harassing tenants is a direct violation of various executive orders at every level of Government you moron. So, yes. Bankers should be arrested if they violate the same executive orders. (That I disagree with in the first place) The law is the law.

    1. Please inform me of the protection for the landlords. You seem to have inside information so do share. I'm sure many landlords would be so happy for you to inform them!! I hardly think a landlord asking for his rent money is a form of harasment. In fact someone living in a house for free is harasment. Your way of thinking is exactly why we are in this mess. We are on a very fast pace downwards. People who are given everything, have zero self respect. If the welfare system was gone tomorrow, the world would be a better place. This country was not set up for you to take my money that I work my butt off for and give it to someone who doesn't. And the reason socialism doesn't work is when the people get screwed so much, they join the free system too. Pay your freaking rent and if you can't afford it, get a freaking job. Oh, I'm not the one who is the moron. Bless your heart.

  15. Always do a complete background check on potential renters. Better to rent at a lower rate to a responsible tenant than to a freeloading bum.

  16. What kinda WEED is he smoking Man ?

  17. Not easy to evict someone during this time.


  18. Do the detailed, unpleasant steps to evict him. The landlord's state might/might not follow up on info that he's smoking the weed. Change the locks when he's away meeting his dealer. Just take prompt, legal action.


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