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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

TOTAL FAILURE: New York State and Governor Cuomo Had the Worst Coronavirus Death Ratio in the World – Higher than Any State and Higher than ANY NATION!

On Monday New York Governor Andrew Cuomo released a poster at his press conference Monday that celebrates his response to the COVID-19 China coronavirus that devastated New York state and especially New York City this year.

New York state ended up being the epicenter of the coronavirus. The state totaled over 32,000 deaths.

The new poster is cynically topped with a statement by Cuomo, “Wake Up America! Forget the Politics, Get Smart!”



  1. Yeah. Really bad compared to Florida, Texas, Arizona and Georgia. RNC should use this comparison In upcoming elections. Think it would serve them well.

  2. What do you expect when you vote for people that are only concerned for themselves.

  3. So we had to listen to his yap on about his great plan. NY elected this idiot and Thats who we need to blame

  4. he must be very proud.

  5. Take away the NYC numbers and the U.S. numbers don't look so bad.

  6. I'm no Cuomo fan but according to the World O meter site New Jersey has a higher death rate at 1768 per million and New York is 1670 per million.

  7. NY had more deaths because it was hit first. By the time the virus hit places like Florida, Texas, Arizona, etc, doctors had a better understanding of how to treat against the virus. There was a lot of learning as they went along in NYC in March.

  8. Governor Andrew Cuomo: Congratulations! You achieved HIGH SCORE!!!!


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