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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

President Trump Defends Armed McCloskey Family Against the Mob

Speaking during an exclusive interview with Townhall Tuesday morning from the White House, President Trump defended St. Louis residents Mark and Patricia McCloskey after they fought for their lives and property against a trespassing mob.

"When you look at St. Louis, where two people, they came out. They were going to be beat up badly if they were lucky. If they were lucky. They were going be beat up badly and the house was going to be totally ransacked and probably burned down like they tried to burn down churches. And these people were standing there, never used it and they were legal, the weapons, and now I understand somebody local, they want to prosecute these people. It's a disgrace," Trump said.



  1. Who the devil wouldn’t agree with the president on this? Watch the nut jobs on the left criticize President Donald J Trump. That would be scary if that crowd came along and 911 sent no police.

  2. “Fought for their lives”? Seriously?

  3. Neutralize the mob thank you President Trump for having the balls to say what none of these other liberal cowards will say

  4. It is a disgrace!

    Kim Gardner should be arrested disbarred and jailed for attacking the constitutional rights of these people.

    If not, she should be taken out and the remains mailed to Soros!

  5. Bare foot and armed in front of a tacky Beverly Hillbilly Mansion. It was a perfect ridiculous spectacle they looked really gun smart. They might as well been armed with a leaf blower and pressure washer. Oh the illegal Mexicans were off that day to show them how to use them and their guns. The way that fat house wife was waving that little pearl handled pistol around was comical.

    1. Your comment "Fat house wife". why are you attacking these people. It is not comical - it is what Americans call - stand your ground. Of course they look out of place with these guns - it's not their hood daily routine. Hillbilly mansion - what does your home look like. Let me guess - Section 8 - Right. Your ugly hatred is showing. Get a life.

    2. 6:15 It worked tho didn’t it homie?

  6. I saw the video and had no problems with it. Personally I wouldn’t mind a remake with Dixie music and trailer park footage as backgrounds.

    1. Are you saying only trailer park and Dixie living people defend their rights. Now some would call that racist but most trailer park residents are white so it can't be racist๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  7. Lock and load folks!!

  8. Facism does not work

  9. This Psyop is hilarious
    I mean really. Poorly acted.

    Sometimes Langley makes a mess of things

  10. 6;35&6:15.there you go so your both racist? Typical hypocrisy by a leftist nazi..So you support a bunch of thugs acting stingy miserly ungenerous and miserly?

    1. 8:49
      Please go back to school and learn how to spell.

  11. Your position on this pretty well decides which side you are going to be on in the upcoming civil war. Under Communism you have no right to defend yourself.
    This is a watershed moment.


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