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Wednesday, July 01, 2020

This business owner was trying to take care of his own building... When this happened! We must stand up to this!


  1. More agitator agitating, this one a speed freak. Isn't there a cream or something we can use for this irritation?

  2. Baseball bat to the HEAD.

  3. Yes 7:25 PM. It’s called dumbass remover.

  4. Mckees rocks Pittsburgh - was always a rough place but this is uncalled for

  5. Really have a safe site your news are at present time

  6. This is horrible.

  7. Typical attitude of many youth today. Argumentative, Entitled and bent on self supremacy. We see this in school all the time. The Plandemic has been great. Haven't been cursed or threatened in months.

  8. My heavens, uncalled for, looks like a black man trying to incite a situation. Offended by everything. All the time trying to make it look like the business owner was at fault. Ignorance on the highest level.

  9. He wasn't trying to take care of his business. He got just what he asked for. Why would he have a sign like that in his window? He wanted confrontation.

  10. You black people can't not just put your signs up on someone else's property

  11. I'd bet my life savings that punk has no job and definitely no prospects. He needs to be punched in the face and knocked out. That's the only way you can deal with these types. Sometimes violence is the answer.

  12. "You lucky I don't violate you"
    Is that little fairy threatening a man with rape. I would love to have seen fruitcake hit that guy because he would have destroyed him.

  13. He wouldn't stand up for anything , what a scared idiot . I'm surprised he didn't offer to wash his feet . Probably never heard of bullets.

  14. My goodness , my husband told me the man should gut him like a deer and hang him upside down for the world to see. Good BLM sign for the purpose.

  15. What was the loud mouth trying to convey? I don’t even get it. He should had hurt the little fellow as soon as contact was made, Doubt he would mouth off out cold on the Skreet.

  16. Don't bother calling the cops , they are standing down in America.

  17. Like to see this on CNN or MSNBC.

  18. Domestic terrorist. This is ISIS reborn in America. We must fight back!

  19. Why hasn't the skinny black guy been arrest for threatening to smack the big white guy. And why hasn't his social media been suspended for incitng violence

  20. He would just now be waking up. If this is what these animals want....It's Game On!

  21. I give a lot of credit to the white dude for not breaking that little chimp in half.

  22. 10:17
    You're an idiot. That sign has been around longer than the hate group BLM. It's simply a joke. It is not political. They are sold in stores, craft fairs and I have seen memes of them on social media. If you are offended by that sign YOU are the problem. Now go wash the dishes and give your mommy a break.

  23. Just a matter of time until little squeaky fairy boy tries this on the wrong man.

  24. Well said 11:32!!! Bunch of baby thuggies......mouth flopping like a dish rag!!

  25. the business owner was a big pu$$y! I would have done my utmost to provoke the little punk into taking a swing at me just so I could kick the living shit out of him!


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