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Wednesday, July 01, 2020

New York City votes to cut $1BILLION from the NYPD budget - after cops clash with protesters outside 'City Hall Autonomous Zone' for a seventh day as demonstrators say the move is not enough

New York City - which has been gripped by weeks of protests that has seen stores looted, fireworks set off, statues daubed with paint and rising crime including shootings - has voted to slash $1billion from the NYPD budget.

The cut, which comes amid a $9billion shortfall in city revenues due to coronavirus lockdown, will cancel the recruitment of 1,163 new officers, strip $484million from the overtime budget and transfer $354million to other services - including handing control of school safety officers from the NYPD to the Department of Education.

The contentious budget passed with 32 votes in favor and an unusually large 17 votes against just ahead of the midnight deadline following hours of delays - leading to criticism from all sides.



  1. NYC you are setting yourself up to the Old West days it's going to be every man and every woman for themselves no law just wild wild west. Eventually you will burn and no one will even want to go there, much less live there. Forget your shopping season predictions it will be like a ghost town. They will all move away and shops will close by the hundreds. See what your social workers and head shrinks will do then. You have the worst mayors and worst governor ever. Take heed Hogan this can happen to you and Jake Day lot smaller town but all you will hear and see move here and live here will be crickets.

  2. Reap what you sow....crime has already skyrocketed in NY... now nothing will hold back these animals.

  3. Another democrat city bites the dust !

  4. Giving the DOE $$$ for safety officers in schools - whereas LEO's are fully trained and pretty much on the job 24/7.


    Safety officer specific to a school


    Fully trained LEOs, who live/eat/work the job 24/7


    Wrong direction AGAIN.

  5. Just keep that "we love chaos" and the "poor picked on criminals" BS in the city and let the democrat voters get EXACTLY what they have been voting for all these years.
    Chickens coming home to roost is how my momma would describe it.

    Out in the country, they would get the chance to see if they could still burn buildings down and assault innocent bystanders while absorbing a few .223 rounds.

    It's coming, people. Whether you like it or not. I don't think they really understand what they are instigating. We'll see.

    My concern is PROSECUTORS. THEY watch while major crimes are committed and wait to charge regular citizens (the ones with JOBS and ability to pay fines and lawyers) for defending themselves and their properties.
    What world are THEY living in??

    Keep cheering.

    1. You have been bad mouthing cops on here for years. This should make you happy.

  6. I’ll never figure out how educated people are so dumb.

  7. Victory for all the lmclains out there! Keep cheering!

  8. Northwest Woodsman: I’m afraid that we are reaching am intermediate phase in a revolution that will determine the fate of the country. The next phase will include significant bloodshed and prolonged battles between “ peaceful protestors “ and patriotic, armed citizens who do not want the country to suffer the fate of being “transformed “ in the manner of Cuba, Venezuela, or North Korea. Communism goes against human nature and the only manner in which they have a modicum of success is when policies are enforced by a police state. The equality touted by communists comes when everyone is equally miserable and the political elite are satisfied with their form of equality that is different from the masses. None of this unrest and violence is about “Black Lives Matter” because as Chicago continually demonstrates, they kill each other off with impunity as was the case last weekend when 69 were shot and 16 dead. That happens every weekend which leads me to conclude that their lives matter only to clueless white people. Now that politicians have capitulated the momentum of these communist inspired demonstrations and violence will only intensify until society collapses. Eventually this will come to your town and neighborhood so stock up on vitals, including ammunition and be prepared to defend yourselves as this is not going to end without a response that is brutal and hurts them so badly that they decide to pursue other methods to achieve their goals. They will never stop as communism and its vital component, liberalism, is actually a religion to them and statistics and facts regarding the horrors resulting can not sway their beliefs.

    1. That’s laughable. Silent majority will stay silent as usual. Question what are you waiting for ? Let me guess your keeping your powder dry or civil war is coming? Ha! Again laughing. Your not doing anything and will not do anything but complain from arm chair.


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