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Friday, July 17, 2020

Seattle City Council Member Suggests Firing White Officers In Massive Reduction Of Police Department

The Seattle City Council is facing something of a dilemma in its popular pledge of the Seattle City Council to cut the police budget by 50 percent. To do so would require firing a significant number of police officers, which is also popular. The problem is that the firing would be done by seniority and many of the less senior officers are black.

The solution according to City Council member Lisa Herbold is simple: fire officers based on their race.

While that would be the definition of racial discrimination, Herbold clearly believes that it is discrimination for a good cause. The federal courts are likely to disagree. Most notably, Herbold’s call for racial discrimination against white officers would seek to undue the work of Justice Thurgood Marshall who insisted that racial discrimination unlawful and evil regardless of the race you want to disenfranchise or discriminate against.

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best released a video calling the plan of Herbold and others “completely reckless.” She also sent a letter to Mayor Jenny Durkan warning that dramatic cuts would require the layoff of hundreds of officers. The Police Department also warned that the firings would include many minority officers.

The Department has made a conscious effort to hire employees, both sworn and civilian, who represent the diversity and values within our community. 3/4— Seattle Police Dept. (@SeattlePD) July 10, 2020



  1. That is a great idea! What a way to fix the incompetence here.

  2. And there it is ladies and gentlemen. The TRUE agenda of these RACIST'S.

  3. Night, Nighty Whitey!

  4. Sounds like a massive federal lawsuit against the city of Seattle....go ahead, the cops can then retire with a crap ton of money!

  5. SMH....if this is what the future has in store.

    Joe - start building the wall around the store!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Lawlessness will increase big time.

  7. The City can employ whomever it chooses.
    It can fire the Caucasian police officers if it so chooses.

    The Caucasian police officers can also seek recourse for damages suffered by a racist City policy.
    They will have that choice as well.

    1. It has long been known that black cops are harder on black peeps than white cops. Black cops are on the job because they dream of taking back their neighborhoods from the gangstas. One only need to look at the race of who got the heaviest charges in the freddie gray case for proo.

  8. White Power!
    Time for some ethnic cleansing.
    Keep hating on whitey and see what happens when he’s had enough.

  9. How about getting rid of the turd council subject?

  10. Another freaking White Coward. Nothing like all these White Cowards turning on their own race. I bet their ancestors are rolling over in their graves.

  11. I hope the Seattle police officers take note of her every move and cite and/or arrest when necessary. I hope that goes for all of her "staff" as well.

  12. Time for the Seattle FOP to start finding a candidate for the next District 1 race.

  13. I looked at her picture. Did anyone notice her hog ring in her nose?

  14. Go for it, clowns!

  15. Racist much? Do not stop being proud of being what you are.

  16. The Deplorable Little Hobbit: The Democrats are the worst racists this nation has ever seen and it goes back to the beginning of the Democrat party. From the forming of the KKK to Jim Crow, to the emancipation to the abolishment of slavery. to civil rights. Things have not changed, they are worse then ever. Yet people cant see that. They were racist against blacks and now racist against whites. Make no mistake they are just pure racist and will do what ever it takes to keep the power. They are now in deep with anarchists and Marxists. Appease them to keep the power. To destroy and remake America. Give them food stamps and we will keep them voting for us for 200 years. Any person that loses their job because of their skin color needs to lawyer up. Its blatant discrimination. The main news networks all cover for them because they themselves are all part of it. Do they control the Democrat party or do the Democrat party control them? They are the deep state. They hate President Trump because he loves this country and will not fall in line. Make no mistake. Joe Biden is now part of it. He is falling in line with them just so that he can say he was President. If he should win again make no mistake, you are not electing him, you are electing his VP. Joe will be declared incompetent and removed shortly after he is sworn in. The VP will take over. Joe did not win the nomination, he was given the nomination and he will not be picking his running mate for VP. He will do as he is told. When you vote for Biden, you are not voting for Biden, you are voting for the running mate. Buyer beware.

  17. Black Lives Matter Forever White Boys and girls!


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