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Friday, July 17, 2020

Pompeo: C.C.P. Hid Human-to-Human Transmission of COVID, W.H.O. ‘Co-Opted’

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Bill Hemmer Reports,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stated that the Chinese Communist Party knew of person-to-person transmission of the coronavirus before they told the rest of the world about it and that the World Health Organization “was co-opted” into the effort to hide needed knowledge from the rest of the world.

Pompeo said, “[I]t is the case that the Chinese Communist Party was aware of human-to-human transmission before they shared this with the world. And that the World Health Organization itself was co-opted into the same effort to deny the world the knowledge it needed to respond to this threat, to this threat from the virus that emanated from Wuhan, China.”



  1. Get on with the hangings already democrats are & were in collusion with china to steal this election...beleive it.
    If this was republicans storm troopers for no knock raids would have already happened

  2. This was just a test run folks. Wait until the good strain is released!

  3. 446
    You might be correct, and I don't doubt your conclusion about the Democrat Party's participation with the COVID-19 Psychological Operation.

    It is also possible however, that the Republican Party is complicit.
    We are NOT hearing much defense of liberty from any politician right now.
    They all (both Parties) seem to be marching to someone's tune, but it isn't clear who is pulling the strings.

    This is looking more and more like a medical technological tyranny foisted upon the global population by the international banking cartel. Those who print the world's currencies are the real power brokers. Right?


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