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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Philly Mayor's Ban On Large Events "Does Not Apply" To Protests Or "Demonstrations"

Philadelphia Democratic Mayor James Kenney says his city-wide ban on large events and gatherings through February 2021 does not apply to protests.

"The city's office of special events will not accept, review, process or approve applications, issue permits or enter into agreements for special events or public gatherings of 50 people or more on public property through the end of February. The moratorium will apply to special events and public gatherings, including but not limited to festivals, parades, concerts, carnivals, fairs and flea markets," Kenney said during a coronavirus video update on Tuesday.

"In addition, permit applications for residential block permits will not be accepted until further notice. The timeline when such activities may resume will be communicated as soon as possible. To be clear, this hold on large public events does not, does not apply to demonstrations and First Amendment protected activities," he added.



  1. Another idiot that the blacks in Philadelphia just love. He doesn't do anything for them. He just doesn't do anything against them. Another city who is watching manufacturing walk away. Another city that has more money taken out than they have coming in.

    1. Where have you been the past 20+ years??? Manufacturing along the entire I95 corridor from DC to NY has long dried up. But yeah I guess its easy to ignore facts when you have some crap narrative to share.

  2. President Trump has just found the way to win the election. Go into every problem city and kick ass. I would bash all these TRAITORS heads and watch how fast it stops.

  3. In other words, stop asking for permission

  4. Id have a block party and it would be to protest the protests

  5. But of course it don’t.

  6. Then BY LAW it diesen't apply to EVERYONE!

  7. Now isn't that just special?


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