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Sunday, July 19, 2020

MD teacher unions call for virtual-only learning in the fall

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WBFF) - While Maryland's new infection rate remains lower than that of most other states, we still don't know if kids will go back to school this fall - or will the state move to online learning?

But this afternoon, two unions representing teachers and other employees are calling for one, uniform policy for reopening schools.

Political reporter John Rydell says the unions are urging all schools to be virtual-only, at least for the first semester.




  1. Teachers are Essential but can someone please explain why they are more important than any other Essential worker who has been to work everyday during the pandemic? Kids are way behind due to virtual learning! Kids haven't even finished the work from this year! Parents aren't involved in the kids school work because they simply either don't have the time, or don't care! Wake up and get them back to real education! Do Taxpayers get a break since the funds aren't needed for the schools now?

  2. Virtual learning does NOT require as many teachers. Why do these teachers expect taxpayers to continue paying them for doing something that they are not?

    1. Some of us want to go back to work...and let the ones that don't to take FMLA. It's not our fault the crazy left unions are ruining education.

    2. Actually it is. Because you say and do nothing about it. You do what they say. Period. I understand you don't want to be blackballed. But you can undermine mist if this idiotic EMBARRASSING AGENDA.

  3. thats great, but what about the rural areas with no internet?
    or people without pcs?

  4. THey are having their meetings via zoom but want to shove students and teachers into a classroom together. Can you sense the hypocrisy?

  5. This is why Hogan gave 30 million for software updates to Baltimore schools 3 months ago

  6. How about we give them virtual paychecks?

  7. How will the parents go to work to make money? This is all just getting a little too much.

  8. Well let them, and then we can lower their budget becasue they don't need money to feed the kids, pay for electricity and everything else!!!!!

  9. Now teachers shouldn't bitch about how little them make, they don't do anything now!!!!

    1. Teacher's make much money. Don't think they don't. Look at their salaries?? And not get fired.

  10. Screw the unions this is why education is so costly wasteful and unsustainable in the current approach ....school vouchers now!!!!

  11. Ok, SOooooo when can Maryland TAX PAYING citizens expect their "School taxes" REFUNDS???

  12. 1. Then we expect a rebate of the funds provided to school boards. You will not need all of the funds that have been budgeted. Return them.
    2. This is the only country in the world that is keeping its schools closed. Therefore this is a political move, not one based in science or protecting the health of the kids. I do not give a darn about the health of the school employees as no one is making much of an effort to protect all of the employees that have been working all through the "pandemic".
    3. Get you butts back to work.

  13. This way they can 'teach' your children BLM, ANTIFA, White Privilege and perversion without your knowledge...Get your children OUT of Public Schools NOW!!!

    1. Some of us adamantly oppose such nonsense and try and convince kids to seek out other information while tiptoeing the line of keeping our jobs...there are some of us who are trying to help the next generation not be socialist, brainwashed puppets!

  14. MD teacher unions call for virtual-only learning in the fall.

    Sure and they probably want it all done by computer too so they can stay home sit on their ass and collect the same pay.

  15. Just heard the Teachers Union demands are somewhat like Nancy Pelosi's. They want money, power, and no police - nothing mentioned about students' needs. I am not surprised that Annapolis wants to delay opening schools. Why should they care. Probably have immigrants watching their kids. No hurry for them.

  16. They want to stay home and keep getting paid. Hell no, we either open schools or lay of all the teachers, staff, and board of education.

    1. Teaching online is not easy and was more work. You people don't have a clue. Most would rather go back. But they have people scared. I mean if the prisoners can't stay in jail then why should kids be stuck in school.

  17. Teach your children well, their Fuhrer's Hell.

  18. Hogan, aka Hitler needs to execute an EXCECTUTIVE ORDER asap to cut the education budget. They do not need this money to pay expenses such as meals, heat, a/c, electricity, transportation, preventive maintenance they never do, building maintenance, janitorial services, water bill.

    This also includes all BOE expenses that should not be occurring, since the schools are closed.

    Teacher pay and benefits cut. Teachers should not be getting pay checks or any benefit, since they are not showing up to teach, meet with parents, have face to face help for the children.

    Teachers and other education personnel are not fulfilling their contracts so they should be denied any type of compensation.

    This is what the UNIONS want then give it to them.

    I WANT MY TAX DOLLARS REFUNDED that goes toward education.

  19. I'm a teacher. I want to go back to work. I don't belong to the union and they don't represent all of us. I hate that my own kids might not go back to school. They need it they aren't in danger.

    We are the only country in the world not sending our kids back to school. That is because we having one of the most important elections for the last bastion of freedom.

    Wicomico County has already said students and staff will have to wear masks. Guess what. They weren't able to keep kids from wearing their hats in the building or playing on their cell phones constantly. How are they supposed to enforce masks.

    It's a joke people don't become "woke" just wake up.

  20. 1159 - "School taxes" REFUNDS???

    Yeah, lets see the budget analysis on savings with:

    - buses (gas)
    - energy (lights/AC/etc)
    - water (no bathroom usage)
    - cleaning (no kids, no trash)
    - food (savings since there isn't the "mass" lunches)
    - supplies (anything used in schools)
    - sports (hmmmm, always need PTA money and student fees to supplement)
    - overtime

    Just to name a few things.

  21. Cut their pay and make them contractual. Parents with full time or even multiple jobs cannot correctly education students. That is what a teacher is paid for.

  22. I don't get it. Everyone is working from home unless essential in a store or hospital. And not one person on here had a pay cut for it. Shoot the city people sat home for an entire week and did nothing and the same amount of work got done. Such waste. Still get paid. Why is their such hate to teachers? I don't get it. Teachers still worked at home. And alot have gone beyond. I had someone tell me yesterday her daughter's teacher contacted her directly to help her understand her math alot of times and was so good to her. No wonder everything is falling apart. Just no respect. Teachers are not babysitters. Yet seems like that is what they are treated like. Sad.

  23. Bunch of crap. That’s how the teacher got COVID. Spending time with other teachers not children

  24. I don't understand why we pay teachers at all. Look at the mess they are turning out.

  25. if they do virtual or less then what they did in years past then I would say we are all due some money back! no work no pay! easy peasy! and teaching remotely dont count! I can do that myself!

  26. Do you fools expect a union would take any position except one that gives their members off while being paid. Union members are as bad as BLM idiots.

  27. Unions only care about one thing, screwing the system for more money for their members to pay higher dues. They could care less the kids or the public.

    1. Every year the education system get more money. Have you seen test scores for math, reading, and comprehension?? The education system is wonderful according to teacher's.
      Get millions
      Kids unsafe
      Kids can't read or write
      Next year
      Do all over

    2. School vouchers

  28. Teachers in 2020 should be ashamed of themselves. Self centered, lazy people.

  29. Get rid of police officers and teachers. Doctors and hospitals are lying, so get rid of them, too. Folks can do fine on their own, homeschooling and defending themselves and taking care of their own health. Who needs trained, experienced professionals when the general.populace knows everything?

  30. The deplorable Little Hobbit: Instead of defunding cops, how about the education system got defunded. Just the electric, with heat and air, water, maintenance and transportation and the Board of Education and supplies including unnecessary books, it would save billions every year. Billions goes to education every year with little to no accountability, Time to cut it all, or show us where our money is going!

  31. Did you see where the Wicomico Union sent a survey to the members? As if we care what the teachers want.

    The teachers want to get paid to stay home.

  32. No teach no pay. Period. The Federal Government already pays for K-12. Go be a hermit.

  33. Hey they want to defund the police lets defund the teachers..I would love to sit at home everyday getting paid who wouldn't...Take the money from the teachers and give to the kids so they have the proper resources at home for schooling since the teachers don't want to teach at schools...

  34. Yes i want our teachers and students to all be safe but at same time what will our future be like with the quality of education the kids do/dont get from virtual class rooms. lets not forget that not internet is created equal. i do not live in the boonies however despite our attempt we are unable to get reliable internet that works 100%. so our kids will fall short of internet learning. not to mention i have 2 children and one laptop and no i dont want to be responsible for one that the county loans us to use. also both my husband and i work 50 plus hours a week and we really cant afford to have one of us sit home all day to teach our kids (while the teachers collect the paycheck for us doing so)my kids are loosing touch with personal interaction and working in groups. there is only so much learning a child can do at home.


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