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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Maryland Gov. Hogan: What Trump, local leaders did wrong in dealing with George Floyd unrest

Hogan criticized local leaders for "allowing" destruction after Floyd's death and Trump for targeting protesters

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan spoke with Dave Anthony on the "Fox News Rundown" podcast Thursday, where he discussed what many local leaders did wrong during the recent civil unrest that transpired in the wake of George Floyd's death at the hands of a white police officer in Minneapolis.

"But I think a lot of people didn't learn the lesson and made some mistakes in this current most recent situation where they allowed a lot of destruction to continue for some cases weeks," Hogan said, comparing the recent destruction to how his administration handled the 2015 Baltimore riots.


  1. Gee Larry. How about what blacks and Democrats did wrong?? How about what you did wrong?? You're a typical libutard. Blame everyone else for your ineptness. Brilliant.

  2. If,if,if, if we had only known , blame it on Trump . The governors of these places could and did have the power to stop this crap , don't blame it on my president . Point the finger at your damn self Hogan .

  3. Hogan does Freddy Grey ring a bell

  4. Hogan has done such a good job with Thugamore so he is now giving President trump advice--LOL

  5. Mr. Hogan: Are you too stupid to realize what Floyd did wrong? Don't be so fast in finding wrong doing by law enforcement unless you address BOTH sides!

  6. Hogan talks just like a politician and gets nothing accomplished like a politician.

  7. Uhhh he's got dickto say.... Remember Freddie grey? Baltimore riots? Ringing any bells there Adolph Hogan?

  8. Larry, hey Moron... be careful there in bashing law enforcement, let em all quit and what you gonna do then? You depend on them to much to piss em all off..Freddy Grey should be haunting you and the other Morons in Baltimore.

  9. Hogan how come you are not talking about you and your administration stealing money from the MD STATE EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FUND that they have to contribute to? How come you are not talking about not following the recommendations set forth for the Retirement fund to invest and grow was not done while you stole money from the FUND? That has caused the Retirement Fund to be drastically reduced in value.

    Hogan as a thief would do you are going to take your retirement and benefits you have not earned and run instead of RESIGNING rejecting your so called retirement and benefits.

    Hogan you are doing what HITLER done during his reign always blame someone else and attempt to be the liberator.

    Hogan the manipulating con-artist, jokester.

  10. Looks like Chemo Larry is blowing his own horn again on Fox News! Forget it Hogan's Zero, You will not be President, RINO! Go back to Africa where the RINOS belong!

  11. Looks like Non-Hodgkins Hogan is at it again! This is truly the pot calling the kettle black!

  12. Larry Larry Larry...stop wasting time getting ready for 2024. Ain't gonna happen

  13. He has not said anything negative about communist Joe.

  14. My post was not posted don't know why, since I broke no guidelines. Must have been because I called Hogan the thief that he is.

    1. I've had the same issues lately 9:39. Could it be that since Joe owns a business in Maryland he is sensoring certain responses so as not to upset the powers that be?

  15. Bob Aswell ....RealistJuly 17, 2020 at 12:23 AM

    It's always the dumbest bastard on the block who AFTER the fact has all the answers. This one is particularly rich when Hoggan who has had his nose buried in Cuomos ass since this thing started now can tell us 'how to do it'. If there is a bigger loser in the State, please show him to me. Shame it's not Halloween so Hoggan could win best jerko-lantern. Since he's bald as a cue a shadow picture would reveal just how much his head looks like a horses ass.

    After Trump makes one out of him and Cuomo on Nov.3, ask him for a dose of his wisdom if you can find him (Loco Larry)!

  16. How can Hogan say anything.....he’s an idiot!! Did he miss the statue going into the harbor?? Who was prosecuted Larry??

  17. what we did wrong, - we elected you you POS R I N O


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