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Thursday, July 16, 2020

'Ingraham Angle' investigates 'repeat tests,' potential double-counting of COVID-19 cases

Phil Kerpen tells Laura Ingraham number of total, positive tests took off across US 'around June 10'

Committee to Unleash Prosperity President Phil Kerpen suggested on "The Ingraham Angle" Wednesday night that the increase in reported coronavirus cases is largely due to states counting "repeat tests" as though they are from separate individuals.

"We have this huge discontinuity in the data around June 10 where you can just see the number of positives and the number of tests take off everywhere in the country," Kerpen told host Laura Ingraham. "And, you know, states were told to do this.

"The panic purveyors [were saying] that you have to test everyone. 'Mass testing is the greatest.' Then we start seeing these huge numbers of tests, including huge numbers of positives," he went on. "And it's 'Oh, my God, panic. Shut everything down again based on those numbers.' But a lot of the tests are repeat tests."



  1. It would be quite easy to give someone Covid while they were being tested.

  2. It's what us "Nay Sayers" have know from the start. Add to that the large numbers of false positives from the tests.

    And you get a lower death total if the criteria was dying FROM the virus instead of dying WITH the virus like it is now.

    Then the death rate would be accurate and LOWER then the normal flu - which by the way has a vaccine!

    It's all BS

    Come on now all of you masked CNN watchers with your made up BS stories - I'm waiting.


  3. We already know you can't trust anyone. It's all inflated numbers. All the democrats such as hospital workers. Lab personal. Etc. All Democrats. All inflate numbers. We saw that when the virus first hit. They said we're all going to die. It's going to be a catastrophe. Our healthcare system is full of drama queens.

  4. This is stupid. Any testing should be for whoever has already had the virus,


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