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Saturday, July 18, 2020

Man accused of punching NYPD chief, cops on Brooklyn Bridge released without bail

The Bronx man who allegedly punched NYPD Chief Terence Monahan and two other officers duringprotests on the Brooklyn Bridge Wednesday has been released without bail.

Quran Campbell, 25, is accused of socking the highest-ranking uniformed cop several times in the face as Monahan tried to arrest him after Campbell had allegedly punched another NYPD officer and lieutenant near the Manhattan approach to the bridge.

Campbell was arraigned on assault charges in Manhattan criminal court and was granted supervised release.



  1. If they catch him again?? They shouldn't worry about bail.

  2. Okay, so back in the fray. The country is at odds but many are working to quell the systemic racism allegedly perpetrated by white people. Who is working to quell the racism from black people?

  3. The chief was kneeling last week in uniform and marching with them. His district is the worst in the five burrows and during his interview all talked about was being on the job for 50 years. He is a politician and part of the problem. He hasn’t seen the inside of the courtroom in 40 years and is probably making 375k a year and will collect a injury check of 100k. Mayor loves him.

  4. Why was he not punished???

    1. Are you really that clueless.

    2. Actually he was. Another cop jumped in and started whaling on him. Another punk was thinking about hitting the whaling cop. But he watched his buddy getting JUCED. HE STEPPED AWAY.

  5. Oh yea no big deal striking a police officer will voters ever wake up.

  6. Northwest Woodsman: Anyone want to place a bet on whether he will show up for his court date ? Maybe he should take a community college course like “Fun Things To Do While Waiting For Arraignment “.

  7. Dems run formerly great cities into the ground which end up as ghettos. Baltimore is a prime example.


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