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Saturday, July 18, 2020

Governors and Education Leaders Call for Funding and Flexibility to Ensure Student Safety in Fall

WASHINGTON—In a letter to congressional leaders, the National Governors Association (NGA) and groups representing state K-12 education agencies, local school boards, universities, community colleges, educators, the civil rights community and the special education community urged Congress to provide the significant resources necessary for schools to balance learning and safety in the fall, while respecting the long-standing principles of state and local control that govern our education systems.

As Congress considers the next round of COVID-19 relief, the groups requested that Congress provide substantial funding for the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund, K-12 education and higher education institutions to have the resources to address the challenges presented by the ongoing pandemic and to prioritize learning and safety.

“To ensure the safety of communities, educational equity, and to allow for in-person and online delivery of education, increased federal investment is critical,” the groups said in their letter.

The state and education leaders also called on Congress to prohibit conditions on COVID-19 education relief funding that would seek to define or mandate specific models of K-12 or higher education reopening.

In addition to NGA, the letter to Republican and Democratic leadership in the House and Senate was signed by the Council of State Governments, the American Federation of Teachers, the National School Boards Association, the National Association of State Boards of Education, State Higher Education Executive Officers, the National Center for Learning Disabilities, the Association of Community College Trustees, the National Association of State Directors of Special Education and the Council of Administrators of Special Education.


  1. Can’t be talking about democrat governors who want to defund police they would waste the funds.Strict oversight of tax dollars is needed that is given to these radical governors.

  2. Higher ed does not need more “resources” - they have been overcharging for years as they stoke the fires of “wokeness”

  3. The States wants the money without any conditions. That is a lot of BS. The schools cannot hold hostage the tax payers but then they are Demoncrats and they attempt to do that all the time with their bullying.

  4. That's right. Let's give these corrupt POS more money to do nothing. Instead of defunding the police. Let's defund the school system. Every year we give millions. Every year we hear how teacher's don't have supplies. ITS ALL BULLSHIT. THIS IS MORE OF TGE SAME. Time to take your kids out of these corrupt run school districts. They can't handle the money. They can't handle the SAFTEY of our kids. Hell. They can't even teach our kids to read and write. Yet every year they want and get more. EMBARRASSING.

    1. I have a question for the parents that bitch that the schools cannot teach their children to read or write. How many of you support that have children that struggle with this support your child’s education at home? How many encourage reading and writing when out of school or just use electronic babysitting techniques because it is easier to put your child in front of a screen than have them do something productive?
      My child entered school knowing how to read because I read to him from the time he was born. He struggled with written expression due to a learning disability but I encouraged writing in journals to help. Whenever we went out to a restaurant or on a trip we brought a bag that had at least one book, a notebook, and writing implements for him to draw and write whatever he wanted to.
      I was a working single mom who managed to further my own education while keeping on top of his. As an adult he still travels with a book and notebook for reading and writing. He still struggles with writing but has made a lot of progress despite a learning disability and I thank his teachers for their support and they thank me for mine.
      For students to really learn it has to be a team effort of both parents and teachers and parents need to do their part by being parents for a change and not putting all the blame on the schools.
      Remember that when you point fingers at others you still have some pointing back at you. Being a parent is more than just bringing a life into the world, it’s about being responsible for that life and accepting responsibility for their upbringing. If you’re not willing to do that then you shouldn’t be a parent!
      Anyone offended by this is part of the problem and not the solution.

    2. LMAO. Typical teacher's lame response. BLAME THE PARENTS. When I grew up my parents never had me read. They didn't have time. THEY HAD JOBS. Yet all seven of us learned to read , write, and get a college degree. The teachers actually taught the students with a hell of lot less money. But nice try. You'll be out of a job soon enough. Because thanks to you and your fellow useless teacher's. We have to teach are own kids. YOU WON'T.

    3. Hello problem,

      I repeat....I worked, put myself through school, AND made time for my child. I'm sorry yours couldn't do the same for you! I never said I was a teacher. I said I am a parent. I did for my child what my parents did for me.


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