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Sunday, July 19, 2020

Local Bar / Restaurant Closings: UPDATE

Purple Moose
Blue Crab House
Buxy's Salty Dog
Dry Dock 28
The Original Crabcake Factory
Bucks on 611
Guido's Burritos

There are a lot of rumors going around about more businesses closing, many are not true. The word was out last night that the Health Department had a task force out inspecting several businesses. Is it the goal of the state to simply shut everyone down? If it is, let's just get it over with because this is getting ridiculous. 

There are a few OC Facebook sites spreading a lot of false information out there. Caribbean Joe's is open. We have frozen drinks at the pool bar and yes, the pool is open at noon today. 

UPDATE: I learned late Saturday night, 7-17-20 that Ocean City will be closing all the bars on Wicomico Street starting today, (Sunday) through Thursday to disinfect. 


  1. Inspectors...oh come on. $$$$ is needed to live. Now if establishments are not doing their due diligence (which everyone does try their best) I can see challenges.

    Biggest challenge and Joe u know this, tourons have their own opinions/agenda in some cases and could call the appropriate hotline and file a complaint. Same Tourons who are butt hurt for whatever reason.

    Double edged sword. Damned if you do (to make a living) damned if you don't (lose your business that makes you live).

    Appreciate you Joe!!

  2. 11:17 AM

    The word was out last night that the Health Department had a task force out inspecting several businesses

    This statement is 100 percent false.

    1. Not exactly true. A large group of volunteers are patrolling the city and recording violations on their cell phones. These are then being emailed to the County, MSP and other Maryland departments. The hammer will fall in a few days. Hogan is really pissed at OC for their total disregarding of his guidance.

    2. How the heck do you know this.

    3. "Volunteers" for the state? Not likely.

    4. When do we rise up against this Tyranny??July 12, 2020 at 9:22 PM

      I heard Hogan has cancelled New Years Eve , Christmas, and July 4th 2021 fireworks as well.

    5. Snitches get stitches

    6. Snitches get stitches

  3. An important fact to know:
    Not one of these places have been closed because "an employee tested positive".
    They have all been closed solely because they didn't follow the State guidelines, and got caught.
    In the case of the Crabcake Factory, the owner decided to loudly and publicly complain about the Health Department and the city, so they came down on him hard.
    Then, to make matters worse, he threw every business in town under the bus by telling people to turn-in other businesses - and even posted phone numbers for people to call.
    That action he took is the talk of the business community in OC.
    It was a thoughtless, disgusting, immature move, and instantly made him the most unpopular business owner in town.

    1. So he’s supposed to let them shut down his business for doing exactly what everyone else in town us doing? I bet if it was your money you’d think different. They were the busiest place in town and they made an example of them. Nothing more or less

    2. Fish tales and Purple Moose were transparent and they reported they had employees test positive and that is why they did a temporary shut down. If you're going to comment be sure you have your information correct. That Information came from their business pages...not hear say

  4. The real list of restaurants effected by CV19 is 2-3 times greater. These unlisted ones send employees home with a wink and nod not to tell anyone. That’s the OC way-get the dollars don’t worry about the lives.

  5. Terrible news indeed.

    City Fail must be reeling....especially with big weekend calendar dates over the next 30 days. Airshow and White Marlin. Heck the tuna tourney had to adjust this weekend but that was weather related.

    Closing/adjusting cuz of sickness...well those are restaurants...hotel industry saying much?

    Golf industry here is doing very very well. Yep yep.

  6. Rest. have put themselves out of business. You pushed opening. Now the virus is getting worse. People are not going out, open or not. I see rest. open and have no cars in their parking lot. People are used to carry out and pick up now also.
    If Hogan could've let things open as he wanted and not been pressured, as you all did, this situation may not be happening.
    PPP has worked a great deal for many businesses around here. Obviously alot of places did not take this serious and are paying the consequences.
    Hogan did not do this.
    You all got what you wished for. Now are paying the price.

    1. Again. Same question. Are you going to pay the bills for people who are still not getting a check. It is obvious your money is still rolling in. Must be nice to not have to risk your life during covid. Many people don't have this choice. Many are working right now (and alot for min wage) just to be able to eat. What is the solution? I'm sure if you would like to hand out money to everyone no one would work. Most of you have no clue how much work goes into running a restaurant. How about you go volunteer for one day and let's see how you make out. Not everyone has a paycheck coming in and is able to stay home. Plenty of owners have taken it serious. By the way, how do you even know the positive employees got it from the restaurant. That's right you don't. Alot of these people hang out together when work is over. The hospital numbers are still in good shape. I wish everyone on here that says we can't open would adopt a family. I would be glad to sit home and do nothing if u pay my bills.

    2. Putting dollars before lives never is a good strategy. By August the list of businesses effected will be over 100 and the crowds will be ‘minimal’. Just look at today’s Boardwalk cams. You reap what you sow Ocean City.

    3. But by closing down the economy you are not choosing Heath? People will be commiting suicide. Crime will be way up and we hate the cops now. I don't think you people get it. You have a nice little pay check coming in by sitting home. Most people out here are not rich. Don't you think everyone would love to sit home and do nothing? Again who will by the food. I have no choice but take the chance. This is the real world here. Answer the questions. In a perfect world we shut down for what years? And everyone gets lollipops and flowers. It isn't that easy.

    4. Hey ..1254, that's a butt hurt response..a bit on jealousy. Why? Everyone makes a choice in life regarding employment. Myself, I worked relatively short amongst most because I made choices that benefited me AND family on my own. Hell I don't have a degree either yet I found a way and was prosperous. Thankful too. I love our hospitality industry here and many friends are in the circle trying to figure all this out with All the rules plus Vacationers who this time are very much in edge yet expect everything. I am not happy about fellow restaurant owners managers skirting the rules or that possibility of getting others in trouble. Those folks will be dealt with appropriately in the very near future. Although we are fellow family within the business....cut throat antics do NOT last long.

      We all will do our best yet being handcuffed by politics doesn't help.

    5. 112. False choice. Look at the statistics. When the economy crashes, mortality goes up. If you want to save lives, you need a vibrant economy. A crashing economy kills people.

    6. 1:30. I'm not exactly where you are getting that I am butt hurt. I guess although you made your own money and can sit home and not worry, kudos by the way, you must have not learned the maturity part. To call someone butt hurt because I need to provide for my family? Not everyone is the golden age. I work very hard for everything I have. But I am not the golden age. If I do not continue to work hard, I will lose everything. Not sure how that makes me butt hurt. And really not sure how that defines me as jealous? I risk my life along with my kids daily during covid so I can continue to provide. Not sure how that makes me butt hurt. Not every restaurant is trying to get around the rules. My daughter works at a restaurant in OC that is doing everything they possibly can to follow the rules and are so respectful to her. I have another kid working in a sub shop in OC. The owner has been wonderful and also is following the rules. It isn't easy to run things as it was. Now with all this covid stuff, it is very difficult. These owners are one person. Trying to make everyone listen. It is alot. Not everyone is the golden age and has bank. Some people have had cancer etc. and have lost their bank. If asking for a better solution makes me butt hurt, then you are the type of person that is the reason we will never have a solution to issues. Not everyone can do and be as great as you. Congratulations by the way. Not jealous at all. Maybe one day I can sit home and enjoy too. But until then I have kids to feed and a mortgage to pay. Again, if those things are provided to me, I will gladly sit home. I do not think you understand the recession coming. My guess is your cushion is invested? Good luck with that. I hope one day you are not in the position alot of people are. And by the way, I am very, very blessed. I am actually worried about people worse off then me. Try it. Humble yourself. And understand the bigger picture here.

  7. Well it was easy to believe That there may be a task force out, given that when crabcake factory was busted for over crowding they penned a petty social media letter and encouraged everyone to randomly report other businesses and supplied all the health department emails and phone numbers they could dig up so people could “Karen” their way through the yellow pages on google without ever leaving there Living rooms or seeing with their own eyes if a business was trying to follow the rules or not. Before everyone attacks me for saying this, I understand that it is important to follow all the mandates and use social distance and a mask but I also know that the crabcake factory didn’t do This post out of concern for the public. They did it to be petty. They admit they were over crowded and not able to police all of their customers, but they also whined that other businesses were busy too and they wanted everyone report anything you felt wasn’t kosher because it wasn’t fair that they got caught and others didn’t. So let’s all keep fighting and trying to put each other out of business. If you don’t feel safe don’t go out to eat, if you want to go out and feel comfortable doing so go at your own risk. Wear a mask and keep from standing on top of the people around you.

    1. They are ‘volunteers’. Don’t know who organized them. They are going around and videotaping violations include their cell phones and forwarding them to the County, MSP and other state departments. The person who advised me of this said the Governor is really pissed at how OC is ignoring violations of his mandate.

    2. I’d do the same thing. It’s bullshit. If you were losing that money you’d damn sure be pissed

      Grow up. Different rules for different people

  8. My family is happy to go out and spend money now, but only at businesses that are following the rules. No sympathy for those getting busted for not being willing to protect the community.

    1. No one's getting "busted" and forced to close down. These businesses are willfully closing on their own because their staff are getting sick and they want to avoid spreading the virus.

  9. Off-season cannot start fast enough. Need to eliminate the hate amongst businesses....or it benefits no one.

  10. Dear 12:06
    That was the only establishment who has a set of balls . When will you guys get it , we are the people , we run the country not the government . This virus is now nothing more than a political movement from leaders who seek power. I still say this virus is nothing more than a bad case of flue , I've had it , I'm old , very old , not a big deal . Wake up America before it's way too late , your not drunk just confused on propaganda . I live next to 2 doctors , they believe the same as I .

    1. In fact this has nothing to do with a virus at all and everything to do with agendas, namely agenda 21 & agenda 2030. Check out the UN & World Economic Forum's website. Read the Rockefeller Foundation's Scenerios for the future of Technology and International Development. They tell us their plans but all ppl will do is trust the mainstream media that's assisting usher in said plans. The only thing that will save us is for everyone to stop complying and for businesses to post signs saying No Masks Allow instead of bowing down. It won't work in onesies and twosies though, Everyone must wake up and stand up before it's too late. ....but unfortunately (esp after reading some of the comments on here), I know this will never happen, the programming has worked too well

    2. I stand with you 9:45, and maskless too

  11. We can blame business we can blame idiot people, but the real blame here goes to these doctors and scientists that get paid huge sums of money and can’t offer any reliable information. We were told that the summer heat and ultra violet rays killed the virus. That’s interesting because the hotspots now are the hottest states in the country. If we can’t rely on the "professionals" to give us accurate information how can you expect a real estate agent playing mayor to have any coherent or effective strategy in dealing with 200,000 people on a tiny spit of land?

    I posted here months ago that Meehan was looking more and more like the Mayor in Jaws. Except Meehan is more concerned with collecting money for the town than the private businesses and the local population that will inevitably be ravaged by his incompetence.

    1. True words have never been spoken. Rick has one focus, a few key business people that line his pockets. He has become a drunken sailor otherwise, time for the Council and public to insist on a true City Manager form of government and let Doug Miller do his job.

  12. Don't you get it yet? This is what the Democrats want - to close your business or make it extremely hard to keep it open. They want to kill the economy. The state of the economy is what determines who will get elected. And right now it is Trump. Democrats want you to turn on each other. Abide by the CDC outrageous laws until at least your Summer at OC is over. Vote Trump and this craziness will go away much sooner. This virsus is no different than the flu - it is just overrated by liberals. If you are afraid - stay home.
    There are more drownings in Florida than people dying of this virus. Yet you don't hear much about that - now do you. It's all media controlled info.

  13. Cases do NOT equal death.
    Maryland has done an enormous amount of testing, there are 392 people hospitalized STATEWIDE as of today and 3188 deaths total (two thirds of who were nursing home patients).
    Labs are working overtime developing medicines and ppe are being manufactured in the U.S. again with a substantial amount being available.

    1. I have no problem will Maryland being fully opened up. It’s the idiots from the other states that need to STAY AWAY!!!

    2. What a stupid comment

    3. Stupid is as stupid does.

  14. If the health department is doing this then the individuals need to be named and shamed.

  15. Hey Rickie....you puckering since things aren't going like you thought they would? Really now....Trimpers... restaurants, BARS, now will feel the negativity with cases in house taking place and causing closures....we aren't even a couple weeks past the 4th yet. We tried to tell u, yet...... Nov can't come fast enough and maybe back to failed real estate for u.

    Disappointed, very much so. Can't wait to talk via zoom soon. You know it!

  16. 1228 Liar. Calling the way I see now a days. Speaking loudly and will not be oppressed.

  17. Democrats control most government agencies and to agenda is get Trump out at any cost and their out to destroy the economy with this Covid nonsense.They didn’t have a problem with protesters did they.

  18. July 12, 2020 at 1:12 PM

    When you have not had a job for months you have no money to vacation.

    It has nothing to do with reaping and sowing.

    It is simple economics

    1. Not making a value judgement; just a simple fact. Putting dollars before public health is an economic strategy doomed to fail. Always has; always will.

    2. When have we shut down our economy like this? 100 yrs Ago? How did that go? It is a virus. It will never have a immunization that works 100. The flu immunization doesn't work 100. It isn't a thing for an economy to shut down. What are we going to become the hunger games? You have no clue what you are saying. We slowed things down, we made some rules. Stay home and let the people who want to help business do it.

    3. If there is no economy, there is no health care. Crippling the economy kills people. Always has, always will.

  19. If you have the virus in a bar you close for 14 days and reopen that is how it should work. Not closing the world. Bar owners step up and pay your employees sell a car do the right thing.

  20. 635 why were you silent during the riots and current protest? Why do always comment about a business opening ? If your a communist just own it seems to be more attractive now in the joe Biden camp.

  21. If these small businesses have a percentage of employees infected, multiple that factor to the employees at the larger establishments, example how many employees are infected at Seacrets?

    1. Walmart, grocery store, China the location your pills are packed, post office, ups, doctors office, hospitals. The list goes on. Bottom line it is just not that deadly. If Biden wins the virus will disappear just like it did during the riots. Remember Biden said closing the boarder was racist.

    2. Times that by the world and probably 6 billion people have it. Quick order ventilators and listen to Biden.

    3. Shhhhhhhhhhhh don’t say the name Seacrets.
      They’re immune. From everything!

    4. Yeah, with a 3.7m PPP grant. SHM

    5. Biden's a dope. Always has been. Now he's showing signs of dementia. You folks sitting on the fence, please do not vote for this guy. He'll never make it through his term.

  22. Maryland is one screwed up State.

  23. @1:16/2:54-Governor Hogan doesn't have a "volunteer" staff to police the businesses. Just because you posted it twice doesn't make it true.

    1. They are not state employees. Just people
      Pissed that OC businesses are openly breaking the law with the city looking the other way.

  24. 826...we all make choices. Get what you get, do what you do. End of story.

  25. Secrets got 2-5 mill from the government. They could close down for the season. We need to focus on getting kids back in school and not being the mixing down for all of NYC, NJ and PA

  26. Economy isn’t shut down for the flu every year which kills 70,000 on average.

  27. Hope you get it @2:47

  28. Don't be mad at the state, be mad at all the stupid anti-maskers who are causing these outbreaks.

  29. The “volunteers” need to be videotaped and have their names and faces made public.

  30. I don't think people are saying it is a hoax. Well, some maybe. What people are saying is it is not doom and gloom like they said it was. It is not worth closing the ecconomy. I have a friend who works at Johns Hopkins and she told me the people she treated that passed, would have passed anyway. The flu, pneumonia, a stroke. People die. Daily. You can label it what you would like. The hoax is "why are we shutting down an entire ecconomy". We have learned alot about the virus. Most people have zero symptoms or are in the hospital for a day or two to control the fever or to get oxygen. I know someone who got it early on, his wife and child never got sick. The hoax is, it is not as bad as what they said. The vent is what killed most people and now they do everything possible not to use the vent. It was a bad treatment.

  31. 9:45
    Thank you for being a voice of reason.
    Not many here are smart enough to follow the logic. They are from the Eastern Shore.

  32. The original deal was we were going to slow the spread. No one ever said that we wouldn’t get The CCP Virus. The left is trying to destroy the country because “Orange Man Bad”. They have lied about helpful medications( Hydroxychloroquine Cocktail) and have unleashed a secret police to spy on one another to sow paranoia, hate and ultimately division. Wake up people, you are all being played

  33. I work at a certain venue that has had an employee test positive but she is just a Hostess so the manager is keeping her on since she doesn't touch food.

  34. Easy there 1020...We ALL are Americans.

  35. Yes 1043 - we ALL are being played.

  36. Hey 11:11:

    You really believe that?
    If so, boy do I have a deal on buying the Route 50 Bridge for you.

  37. WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!!! Do some research into everything and you will learn what this is and what this is Not, & it is Not about the government protecting us from some virus! Just step back and use some critical thinking about Everything. Here's one for starters, look at how many ppl die EVERY day due to the tobacco industry... FAR more than even the inflated "covid" #'s they give us. Don't you think if they cared they would've shut THAT down ages ago??? Maybe they'd quit putting poison (Fluoride) in our water too, but no, they need everyone dumbed down & unAble to do that critical thinking! & If you're too lazy to do said research, there's some ppl on YouTube who do a good job for you (with evidence based facts that you can look up yourselves). Corbettreport is pretty good, so is reallygraceful. Just try listening to some voices of reason instead of the govt controlled MSM puppets

  38. The group that owns Seacrets in Ocean City was awarded between $2 million and $5 million to protect more than 280 jobs, according to federal records.

  39. Leighton (Seacrets) wasn't the only one....280 employees for calendar year 2020 (summer)?

    (snicker snicker)

  40. Oc should have never opened for the season. Why would we want a mixing bowl of people from PA, NJ and NYC. The smart money knew this would happen and is staying away from oc and letting COVID run wild.

  41. How come Seacrets is still open? Some of their employees tested positive.

    1. Leighton big money and Rickie listens

  42. How come we don't shut Lowes or Walmart when they have a positive case for several days for them to deep clean too?

    1. Apple and oranges. Necessity vs a want. Bar restaurants are wants not a need. Check yourself if you try to justify it.

  43. Those bars on Wicomico Street have gone for years without cleaning, they will need to be burned down to disinfect them.

  44. All, and I mean ALL, of the restaurants and bars were closed by the Health Department.
    Don't believe for one moment that the owners were "looking out for their customers" and decided to close.
    (Four places closed at noon on a SATURDAY in July, all claiming that it was for the good of their employees.)
    Total nonsense.
    They stretched it out as long as they could with no masks, no distancing, and other regulations that were broken.
    The Health Department was just following-up on leads from the public.
    Many, probably most, complaints, came from a posting (with all appropriate phone numbers) from that one owner of the crabcake place.
    Other business owners can thank him for that.

    1. He is no longer in the circle.

  45. At the end of the day it’s not deadly unless your very sick person. Facts are in. Berlin hospital and prmc are fine.

  46. Again - these businesses are not closed permanently. For those who go around looking for trouble by
    snitching - you are putting yourself in harm's way - the virus 😂😂😂

  47. Shut this economy down! At least until we get a handle on the virus that was supposedly going away when Summer came.

    1. It's a virus. It isn't going anywhere. The flu is a virus. Is it gone. Who is going to pay the bills?

  48. Medical professionals said the summer heat would kill Covid so were good to go.

  49. The COVID will simply return after cleaning. This is because very few people are wearing masks, social distancing and keeping their hands clean. It’s like chasing after the wind. (From the Bible)

  50. All Bars and Restaurants should be closed for now in Ocean City and West Ocean City! Any place that remains open does not care about anything more than Money!!! People are dying and these open businesses do not care! This is For real Owners!!!

  51. Fish Tales is closed until the 28th. These other “three day cleanings” are sweet BS from Rickie and his enablers in the business community. And a lot of unscrupulous businesses are staying open after their employees test positive.

    Hogan is pissed. He has told Rickie that the current trajectory has Worcester at 1000 cases by August 15 if guidelines aren’t followed. He has also told Rickie and his enables that 1000 is “game over” for OC.

    Rickie, showing his political acumen asked Hogan if he would risk the electoral fallout of closing down OC. Hogan told Rickie that with a statewide approval rating between 70-80 percent that he didn’t give a shit about his threat.

  52. All business's should close immediately, and the City Council should cancel Bike week! Those hairy, scary bikers will infect everyone. We're doomed....we'll never survive! ARrrrrrgggg!

  53. Remember 90% of medical experts and scientists are liberals.


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