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Friday, July 24, 2020

Laura Ingraham: Biden 'a doddering fool who can't control the mob on the streets or the mob in his own party'

He's become little more than a puppet of the radical left, she says
Laura Ingraham took on presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe BidenWednesday, saying the former vice president's plan for handling the coronavirus pandemic would only make matters worse.

"Yesterday, [Biden] tried to show us that he'd be more hands on regarding the pandemic, offering never-before-heard solutions like 'appoint a commanding COVID officer' or he'd 'help small businesses.' Oh, wait, didn't Trump already do that?" Ingraham said. 
"Try again, Joe. Well, of course, we know, regardless of what he says, the only big thing that poor old Joe would do differently are the lockdowns."


  1. Need I remind you that Trump is the President now. First you blamed Obama now you blame Biden. Blame the person in charge.

  2. 319

    go back to mommys basement

    your BOY Obama

    orchestrated all these riots


  3. Biden's only Hands On experience is with younger females who get within groping distance. Plus the deputy. It's questionable if he remembers what he had for breakfast.

    Carter, Reagan, Clinton and GWB had been governors; George I was CIA director and Ambassador among other roles. All of them had actual responsibilities and measureables in past jobs.

    Zero and BiteMe had/have no experience of this sort - ever. Someone has Biden's remote control, but it certainly isn't him.

  4. Yeah like if he was President he would just wave his magic wand and everything will be fine. He's so delusional and so are the people who want him to win


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