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Friday, July 24, 2020

Democrat Mayors Are Betraying Law-Abiding Citizens By Siding With Rioters And The Mob

In multiple cities across the United States, a peculiar thing is happening.

Liberal mayors are allowing lawless rioters to do whatever they want, while law abiding citizens are stuck in their homes.

In Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York, and other cities, the mayors actually seem to be siding with the rioters and telling police to stand down.

This is unfair to their peaceful, tax-paying citizens.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Democratic mayors align with rioters and looters against police



  1. You are betraying law abiding citizens by advocating for secret police and facism.

    1. We are fighting COMMUNIST and TERRORISTS. Now get ready for school Honey.

  2. Everything that goes around comes around, just takes time and patience. Virtues that few have these days.

  3. The mayors and the citizens don't want federal troops in the cities. Stop the facism.

    1. Right im sure suzie from the donout shop with two kids thanks you for your ignorant stupity. The hard working taxpayers of those areas that are being affected by this. Will welcome continued BS? Really?? Your Sholving dirt on yourself again troll?
      The lawless will end one way or another. When the city's and the state's failed to act the feds can step in legally. Last resort would be the 2nd amendment. I think that be allot worse.

  4. The Democratic Party's ties to institutional racism renders it ineffective in today's world. They must disband immediately as Americans are outraged over their very existence.

  5. Eventually everyone will realize:

    The government is attacking the population

  6. Lock up the Traitor Mayors NOW !!!! Just Criminals like the rest !!!

  7. 6:38 PM - It's two capsules every six hours, not just when you feel like it.

  8. Why don't black lives matter when planned parenthood and other blacks do the killing?

  9. Well if the DOJ wasn't so corrupt. They could lock them up for not doing the job every State ELECTED them to do. Don't care if your State, County, town, whatever. You still must follow the Consitution.


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