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Friday, July 17, 2020

EXCLUSIVE: The Soros Open Society Foundation Funded Supported Groups and Individuals Behind US Riots Since 2014

In 2015 the Organization for Black Struggle (OBS) and Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE) offered funding for travel expenses for individuals and groups. These funds ran $300 for individuals and $1,000 for groups (assumed daily).

A list of individuals paid by MORE was later released by MORE.

MORE didn’t magically obtain money to fund the riots it was participating in. The money behind the riots was provided by the Open Society Foundation. This group is funded by George Soros.



  1. If you didn't know this you've been really out of touch. He is evil

  2. He should be extinguished.

  3. Joe,
    I believe ALL of your readers know that!

  4. He is the mastermind behind a world domination plot to enslave all of us.

  5. When TF is this President going to order the CIA to take him out... or is he part of the problem?

  6. Been consistent in saying that and asking why is he / his Family still allowed in the US and have businesses / non-profit organizations operating in the US. SOROS / his Family is a traitor to the US and deserves to be treated / punished as a traitor to the US.

    Democrats can cover for him and his Family for so long. Just ask Joe Biden.

  7. I am tired of hearing of this Soros guy! Somebody Please take him out!!!

  8. Cam't be that hard to do. He is nothing but one of those Billionaires with his own agenda!

  9. Old news. I want him to have a bounty put on his head. Watch how many friends he has then.

  10. Let's start with the youngest descendants of his family and work our way backwards! Extermination of Evil!!

  11. How is this NAZI Felon allowed to stay in our country? My buddy in Germany couldn't visit America because he has a felony on his record from 25 years ago!

  12. Soros is a Rothschild.
    He is power.

    This is communism, which is an extenension of Talmudic Judaism.
    Karl Marx was from a long line of Rabbis.
    The "better than thou" attitude of communism is typical of Old Testament era thinking.
    These people (Rothschilds, Soros, Astors, DuPonts, Rockefellers) actually believe their lineage makes them qualitatively better than the rest of us (goyim). They intermarry to keep their bloodlines pure. They murdered fellow Jews in WWII to rid the race of impure bloodlines. That was the purpose of the secret tattoos, programmed by IBM to signify the purity of the bloodline, and the eventual fate of the individual.

    These people are satanists.
    Just as Jesus Christ told the Pharisees, 'You are liars, like your father Satan"


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