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Friday, July 17, 2020

Black Lives Matter statue erected in the UK gets taken down within 24 hours

That was quick.

A statue dedicated to a British Black Lives Matter activist was installed on a plinth in the U.K. that was once occupied by a statue of a wealthy merchant trader who was involved in the slave trade. However, within 24 hours, the Black Lives Matter sculpture was taken down.

During a protest on June 7 in the city of Bristol in southwest England, vandals tore down a statue of Edward Colston. He was a 17th-century member of Parliament, philanthropist, and merchant involved in the transatlantic slave trade. In the wake of the George Floyd protests, rioters toppled the 125-year-old statue of Colston and dumped it into the harbor.

On Wednesday, a new statue was raised on the pedestal where Colston's monument once stood. The new statue was a tribute to Jen Reid, a Bristol-based Black Lives Matter activist. The life-size black resin and steel sculpture of the BLM protester was created by British artist Marc Quinn, who titled the artwork "A Surge of Power (Jen Reid) 2020."



  1. Take that nasty Marxist commie statue down and melt it!

  2. Removing Colster’s statue was anti-Semitic

    Not allowed!

  3. Amazing how this was commissioned and erected so quickly. Almost as if a billionaire was funding the insurgency.

  4. 3:11

    And until we start to take action against Soros and the likes, this will continue.

    I say chop the snakes head off.

    1. Send a paid sniper and make it clean.

  5. This “surge” is going to be the death of civility and decency worldwide.
    Heathens are in the gate and to many are already afraid to stop them.
    They’ve already won.

  6. BLM is a money making arm of the Democrat party.

  7. BLM is a terroristic organization, and should be treated as such.


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