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Sunday, July 26, 2020



  1. Bike handlebars?

  2. Clearly not a gun barrel, it's bent lol

  3. Fake news. It's a video camera and microphone.


  4. Dude, that's a microphone.

  5. That looks like a snowflake with a selfi stick....

  6. Dude, that ain’t a gun.

  7. Looks like a microphone to me. If it is a rifle the barrel is drooping.

  8. This is a microphone. Sheeesh!

  9. The word I heard is he slapped 2 clips together and said your next if that's not a threatening gesture or intention I don't know what is

    1. How about get the f off my property you piece of shit. Threatening a home owner will get you shot..

  10. You have fact-checkers, right?

  11. This couple will have a winning lawsuit in their hands

  12. So white woman with a gun vs black man with a microphone? What am I missing here sbynewsblog?

    1. They are trespassing on private property threatening homeowners..blast there asses. Punks

  13. ABC news missed a microphone?

  14. Although I am in total agreement with the extent these folks went to, to defend their property and their selves. It looks to me like that is a microphone/ boom as you can see the tablet next to it that the intruders are recording with.

  15. Lol maybe you need to take your own advice. What exactly are you implying that is? Its not the barrel of a gun.

  16. That is a microphone on a video rig.

  17. Is that a gun or what? Doesn't look like it.

  18. That's a microphone attached to a video camera.

  19. 150 people show up in your front yard and tell you they will burn your house down and kill your dog what do you expect to happen.Only new world order promoters agree with the leftmedia.

  20. All the people who assume this is a gun are the EXACT problem in this world. Hilarious that this is a microphone and it's in fact fake news.

  21. Damn---everyone missed this BIG TIME. It is a commercial for Peyronie's Disease medication. You know, that crooked/curved look you might see from a hook-up after drinking for 12-24 hours straight. That sharp bend in the road!!!! Just around the corner!!! The great left hook!!! It is---hard---to see the bend in the road for some of you. Get a life and follow the road straight and narrow or wherever the winding path may lead. You may find life rather enjoyable if you do this. Just a thought. Now follow the road less traveled and ---ENJOY.

  22. EASY case to WIN !!! Lock up the Trespassers !! SOLVED 2020 !!!!

  23. Good way for this guy to get shot and then claim it as Racist! Not a bad set up job there!

  24. They should have been shot. They broke into a gate and rushed those peoples house. It's so rediclous. I wish we still have the good ole days and the wild wild west. This crap would not be happening. There is zero reason to do what those protesters did. That is not peaceful. They want what you have and don't want to work for it. Just watch the judge Judy post again. That is the culture. Listen to how he defends that he needed the car to get home so he pushed the lady down and just took it. He doesn't even think he did anything wrong. These are the types of kids being raised today. Animals. And it will come back to bite America. Soros should make sure he locks his doors at night. He better hope the very people he is using don't ever figure it out.

  25. In agreement with 6:10
    Many of us quickly dismissed this as a microphone but too many with the mere suggestion that it perhaps resembled a weapon excepted it for as much. It is EXACTLY the problem. Left to logical and visual devices many deciphered for themselves what it and the truth was. Many though were susceptible to the suggestion. Which is what is happening with most media. It has all become Propaganda pandering to thoughts ideas and values that people already have. I can remember when News Papers had few photos professional journals even fewer and you had to read the text and perhaps twice to understand the subtext. Now we have a deluge of media photos and videos influencers and lay people generating content with no studied back round or document of sources or bibliography.
    It's a Tower of Babel.
    Peoples personal opinions and beliefs no matter how lazily researched on the internet from quack sources are not Empirical Truths.

  26. I saw that in one of the first photos that I saw. Isn't that attempted assault with a deadly weapon?

  27. Shoot first, verify perceived weapon last. Go to trial & take your chances. OR, don't shoot on a perceived threat. Personally, I don't want to have to make that choice, and I don't think she did either. The threat to her wasn't that microphone, it was what the trespassers were saying, and the threatening violence of the people encroaching on their property. The homeowners will get their day in court, if the state AG doesn't drop the charges.


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