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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Donald Trump: ‘Game over for Me’ if Players Kneel During National Anthem

President Donald Trump on Tuesday responded to renewed player protests at sporting events during the national anthem.

“Looking forward to live sports, but any time I witness a player kneeling during the National Anthem, a sign of great disrespect for our Country and our Flag, the game is over for me!” Trump wrote on Twitter.

Looking forward to live sports, but any time I witness a player kneeling during the National Anthem, a sign of great disrespect for our Country and our Flag, the game is over for me!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 21, 2020

Trump commented after several team members of the San Francisco Giants took a knee on Monday night during the national anthem prior to a game hosted by the Oakland Athletics.

The team’s Twitter account played video of the protest with the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter.



  1. So lets get this straight. The other day this clown stated folks waving a confederate flag were all good, just practicing freedom of speech. You know, waving the flag of the side that shot and killed US soldiers. Yet someone kneeling in peaceful protest is bad and being "disrespectful". Thats makes sense.

    1. Don’t be “disrespectful “ to my president

    2. You're not gonna win this one 3:57. Quit trying to spin things and just be respectful and stand for the flag. If you don't like it you're free to leave the country. God bless the USA!

    3. 603 you're not the brightest bulb in the box are you? Forcing anyone to stand for the flag is 100% counter to the freedom the flag stands for. There is absolutely no spin in my original comment. Just a bit of the critical thinking and facts you cant seem to grasp.

    4. 3:57 it is all good to fly the confederate flag. For
      One it’s not racist it’s heritage and mine is tattooed on my body I fly it loud and proud and always will. Just because the racist KKK democrats used it as their symbol of hate doesn’t make the flag racist and they are a bunch of dumb a$$ idiots. But the flag it’s self is a symbol of heritage not hate just like the blacks are proud of being black and their heritage I’m proud of being southern. It is indeed freedom of speech regardless of what the left wants you to believe the constitution still is valid. After this election we need to clean this country up and crack down on all who breaks the law with severe punishment and if we the people have to intervene to help law enforcement then so be it

    5. I agree with 3:57 100 percent. It’s pretty common place to read, “Its my right this. It’s my right that. It’s my right! It’s my right!” Its my right as long as it’s fits my agenda but the minute it doesn’t it’s un-American. It’s very double minded and in my opinion it’s pretty ignorant. Of course only if it’s my right to say this.

    6. But it isn't a peaceful protest that they are involved in. They are being paid to do a job. And our National Anthem is not the place to do what they are doing. It's so disrespectful. If they would like to go protest then go do it on your own time. And don't use a symbol that means something totally different then you are are saying.

  2. Any team that let's players kneel during the National Anthem has signed their demise! True Americans will Boycott and Bankrupt these organizations by not attending games or buy merchandise! They all have been getting rich off working Americans and enough is enough! Good Bye!!

  3. All sports are over for me

  4. 3:57

    You see to be incapable of understanding free speech and the first amendment to the constitution.

    Free speech gives you the right to fly your confederate flag or your BLM flag.
    It does not give you the right to do these things if your employer has a policy against it.

    Trump was referring to people in general when he said they have the right to fly a confederate flag. Pro football players while on the job are not people in general, they are employees of the NFL and the various teem owners.
    If the team owners and the NFL want to allow this disrespect of our flag and anthem then I have the right to TURN IT OFF!

    Get it now? Or do I need to draw a picture?

    1. Bwahaha too bad for you that analogy makes no sense. Trump mentioned ZERO about employer vs employee rights. Try again

  5. I am same as trump was already done with NFL, then done with NASCAR, and now done with baseball. I will still be watching drag racing

  6. 5:23

    I'm with you! I like John Force. I like him just because of his passion for what he does.

    John Force is a champion because he cares about drag racing and is not political.

  7. If you don't respect the flag, then I don't respect the sport, I still have my right to boycott. Your freedom is no better than my freedom !!!

  8. Sounds like golf will be the sport I will watch from now on. Calmer.

  9. NO Longer support any sports

  10. 5:40

    Typical liberal retard logic.

    He was asked a question in general.

    Again, do I need to draw pictures? Or is mommy calling you up for dinner now?

    1. Catch up buddy. Talk about no logic. Its obvious 540 was responding to 521 who was the one who brought up the dopey analogy

  11. And for me too. These lunk heads make millions in this country when they don't have enough sense to pour piss out of a boot, and then show no respect for the country that made them wealthy. All they know how to do is play with their balls, that goes for baseball, football, basketball and any other kind of balls.

  12. Join the club Mr. President. But behind thousands of people who have been done with these RACIST millionares. When the money stops. They will be breaking their ASS to stand. But it's too LATE. I'm saving money. Family trips. Screw the NFL, NBA, MLB, and the rest of these Chinese loving TRAITORS.

  13. Y'all been bitching and crying about not watching sports for the past 2 years. Just don't watch. Tell Joe to keep the tv's off at his restaurant too. White people who never served gonna tell people who is in love with America. I can't wait until Nov. You idiots really don't get it. Try to understand people, 53 percent of the country who is registered didn't vote in 2016. That's over half the country. Now that 53 percent has watched your President stand by Putin, Disrespect women, lost control of Covid 19 and you think more people will vote for trump? Please let me know why? Seriously without all your corny ass commy jokes and mommy's basement talk. Just tell us why those people not you'll who love trump but the ones who didn't vote

    1. Please. Typical FOOL. All LIES, INNUENDOES, AND HERESAY. Not one FACT in anything you have stated. You described all the democrats. Clinton. Biden. The Lt governor in Virginia for examples and FACTS. I guess like Biden. You love to have little Black kid's rubbing the hair on your legs you freaking CREEP.


  14. Almost to a man, or occasional woman, our pro athletes have been on easy street since first beginning their sport and showing some promise. HS, college scholarships (tuition, books, meals, lodging, tutoring, etc.) before starting to bank the big bucks. They should be on their knees thanking Providence for their good fortune, ala Tebow, rather than following the crowd.

    As noted above, they are at work and their employer determines what goes and doesn't. Seen many bearded NY Yankees? So the owners are jointly responsible.

    In our country, the tradition is that those in attendance stand as the flag is raised and as the National Anthem is played. Every one of those players and coaches grew up showing proper respect for the two minutes required.

    The President is correct, IMHO; the game is over for me when any of the players show disrespect of this sort. TV is off immediately and I always have something more productive to do with the time. Of course I miss the commercials for products and other shows which means eventually advertisers will pay less which means clubs will have less and players will be paid less. But these brawny brainiacs never crossed the threshold of an economics classroom so let them learn the hard way.

  15. 927 a whole lot to unpack there.

    - It's heritage: ok, if you choose to make your heritage about being a bunch of dumb poor whites willing to go out and be blasted to smitherenes to protect an economic system that brought ZERO dollars to your pockets, so be it. If your heritage is about being talked into sacrificing all to profit a smaller number of rich guys, have at it. And if your heritage is about being willing to fight and die for a system that is 100% anti-constitutional and counter to the aspirations of America, sure have fun with that.

    - YES flying the conf flag is 100% within your rights and I would never attempt to stop you. The point is it looks pretty stupid flying it from the fed and state government buildings (or honoring the leaders). My tax dollars shouldn't support that nonsense but you are free to do as you will with your own property and on your own dime.

    - Agreed also that I don't believe anyone should be ripping statues down. Take it to city hall, the state leg., or the ballot box.

  16. If these overpaid racists Kneel anymore > They are FIRED !!! Period

    Draft them too for a stint in the military , since they do nothing !!!

  17. Ditto 5:23; except instead of drag, I'll be watching NHL.

  18. 942, my black grandfather was drafted in WWII, served oversees, and came home to a country where black people were still being lynched from trees in the US military uniform. According to you he still would not have the right to protest peacefully by kneeling so how does our advice to "draft" solve anything? LOL.

    "Do nothing": Actually the athletes rake in so much revenue that the owners can continue to be billionaires. The athlete's talent drives economies of cities from everyone involved in stadium operations to merchandising to sports betting etc. Not to mention the huge chunk of funds they cough up for taxes every year. In a nut shell, most are providing way more value than you ever will. LOL

  19. 155: "But it isn't a peaceful protest". You are kidding me right? They are kneeling in protest; thats a fact that is independent of whether you agree or not. By kneeling they are protesting in a way that does not include violent acts. Are you even mentally equipped to have this discussion? I mean literally, are you a 10 year old commenting on this blog? Or has dementia kicked in?

    "our National Anthem is not the place to do what they are doing": You must be that clown from a few posts up so I'll say it again here. Thats not how this works. Just like you don't understand what "peaceful protest" means, you also don't understand what the 1st amendment is about. You do not get to dictate how someone decides to protests. LOL.

  20. 1:26, I bet your black grandfather was never a slave. What you're talking about was 75 years ago. The athletes are disrespectful for things they really know nothing about and have no experience with.

  21. Anonymous said...
    603 you're not the brightest bulb in the box are you? Forcing anyone to stand for the flag is 100% counter to the freedom the flag stands for. There is absolutely no spin in my original comment. Just a bit of the critical thinking and facts you cant seem to grasp.

    July 22, 2020 at 8:49 PM

    But they know the rules when they sign those contracts. Just like i cant go to my job and do what ever i want. I know the rules and am expected to abide by them. I have 2 choices, abide by the rules or i can leave. Its the same with any person that plays sports. They make millions and know the rules when they sign those contracts and the owners should enforce those rules or fire them. We do not buy tickets or support any team for their politics, keep it out of the games. They can do what ever they want on their own time. When i buy that ticket, or other support then its our time. Check it at the door.

    1. Your claim makes ZERO sense co sidering they sign the contracts with their respective teams, yet the teams by all appearances have been supportive of their actions. Sorry, try again buddy. Think a little harder and you may just come up with the right mix of fantasy and political science fiction


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