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Friday, July 24, 2020

Donald Trump orders 'immediate surge' of hundreds of feds into Chicago calling it a violence-scarred 'disaster' - then threatens to order them into other Democratic-controlled cities including Detroit and Philadelphia over mayors' objections

President Donald Trump announced Wednesday he was sending 'hundreds' of federal agents into Chicago and other cities to combat street violence – including an influx of a controversial Homeland Security unit that has been deployed in Portland.

The president also said he was holding back on dispatching what he termed 'large numbers' of federal agents, pending requests from city mayors – then added: 'At some point we may have no other choice but to go in.'

Following a spate of gun violence in Chicago, plus clashes between federal agents and protesters that have stretched on for weeks in Portland, Trump said he ordered an 'immediate surge' of agents into the nation's third largest city.



  1. The murders don't matter to those mayors except as political fodder, the lives don't matter at all.

  2. I wish the good man had done it long ago.

  3. This is an attack on American soil. They are so desperate for Trump not to be elected that they are attacking our own cities and paying people to do it. Wake up people. Please. You would really vote for Biden? They don't like Trump because he's a mess and can't be controlled. Biden is in their back pocket and obviously to old. Why is all this happening so close to an election. Vote Trump. Give us more 4 years. I don't know how much longer we have before we will end up with a socialist as our President.

  4. What a waste! Won’t solve anything. Send them to swing states where voter outrage will pay off in November.

  5. The longer this lawless action goes on, the harder it's going to be to stop it. The only thing these rioters and "protesters" will understand is what they are doing. Sad to say, that is violence.

  6. Go in and crack some heads and jail them.


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