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Friday, July 24, 2020

Antibodies taken from Covid-19 survivors are the 'most potent' ever found and protect against infection, scientists claim

Scientists claim they have discovered the most potent antibodies yet in the blood of Covid-19 patients, raising hopes that people will develop immunity to the virus.

The antibodies were taken from the blood of several Covid-19 survivors and can neutralise the coronavirus, stopping it from entering cells.

These antibodies are cloned and scaled up in large quantities in the laboratory before being injected as a treatment.



  1. Downsizing plain and simple.Earth will end up with a respectable population,but most importantly the population will be sustainable.The last thing we need is a huge group of individuals who have pre existing conditions.That group does not benefit the rest of us in any way.4 billion will be where it stops.

    1. 8:44
      Who are you, Satan?

    2. Hopefully he will be “downsized”

  2. They hound me daily because I was one of the first to get over the nonsense called Covid 19.I wasn't exactly A symptomatic,but I suffered very little compared to those who caught it full tilt.This idea is absurd because it does not address a large # of those who have Covid 19.Treating millions with the virus requires a vaccine.Duh!

  3. In another report they say the antibody fades in months. No one knows what this is.

  4. So that means we don't need the shot right? We just can get covid, hope we are the lucky one that doesn't end up in the hospital and make those little antibodies on our own? This is why it is so hard to take it serious. Yesterday I read how they think we don't make many antibodies and within 2 months we can get it again. Someone should really stick to the story.


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