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Thursday, July 30, 2020

Corrupt St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner Caught Hiding International Travel with Far Left Group as Is Required to Disclose by Law

Far left billionaire George Soros has been systematically targeting district attorney races throughout the United States for several years now. Several of his candidates are already in office creating havoc.
In St. Louis City George Soros was Kim Gardner’s biggest donor in her race for Circuit Attorney.

Soros funded PAC even released an ad in support of this far left and unqualified nutcase.

Kim Gardner may be the most radical Soros-funded Circuit Attorney in the nation today.

Kim Gardner is so intolerable that two dozen attorneys and more than one-third of the trial lawyers left the office when she was hired. And this is a Democrat dominated office!



  1. Those bastards on the far left. I can't believe they want to subsidize everyones healthcare rather than subsidize everyones healthcare AND fatten the wallets of a middleman.

  2. Nothing will be done about it. Never is

  3. Thanks mccain for your fantastic campaign finace reforms. Soros needs to be stopped..how is it even legal for a subversive x nazi to fund campaighns?? This guys want to march us all to the showers

  4. Soro's is a NAZI! He even brags about it on TV!

  5. Dumbocrat=Corruption.

  6. The liberal bastards are going to suggest the dirtiest, most dictatorial, communist oriented scam ever- they are going to suggest delaying the election!


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