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Thursday, July 30, 2020

Black Lives Matter Activists Block Streets, Harass Drivers in DC

Black Lives Matter activists against “noise pollution in neighborhoods of color” took to the streets of Washington, D.C., on Monday, where they blocked roadways, held up several vehicles, and confronted police officers.

The incident, which took place at a section of Wisconsin Avenue and Q Street NW in Georgetown, was reported by the Georgetowner. According to the report, “about a dozen protesters with noisemakers — protesting noise pollution in neighborhoods of color — faced off with police officers and the female driver of a car that the youths claim tried to run them down.” The report also noted that the protesters referred to the driver as “Georgetown Karen.”



  1. They will be making a mistake if they step in front of my vehicle to try and stop me

  2. Sigh...didn’t any of their parents tell them not to play in the street? Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

  3. Okay, reroute the traffic through Chevy Chase, Bethesda and Potomac neighborhoods for some affirmative noise pollution sharing and see how that goes.

  4. Georgetown karen meet the BLM misers

  5. Run the bastards over! I will if someone tries and stops me to kill me! I fear for my life and they ain't supposed to be standing in the road, laws on my side!

    They wouldn't do this if Black lives actually mattered. Why try and get run over?

  6. Who would want to drive through swamp central anyway?

    1. Some people work there

    2. Waterman Head BustedJuly 30, 2020 at 8:09 PM


      should they try to open my door
      reverse....forward....reverse....than fast forward

    3. 627

      you mean Watermelon Head

  7. When these idiots block state and federal roads, there's nothing wrong with running over them!

  8. Not considered a peaceful protest so run over the rioters. I would.

  9. Lock em up & charge them as Terrorists !!!!

  10. Always wondered why anyone needed a big 4x4 LOUD truck with mammoth push-bar bumpers. Now I know...

  11. I guess I just don't understand what noise in black neighborhoods they are protesting. Are there a bunch of Karens showing up in the hood making it too loud during the day? What exactly are they trying to show?

  12. If they are in the street they must be part of the roadway! Run them over if they jump in front of your vehicle!

  13. But they will claim they were 'peaceful.' I guess when you are primal and haven't evolved into civilized human beings then the meaning of peaceful escapes you.

  14. I love how they block roads and are surprised when they get run over.

  15. Clowns. Your cause no longer matters to the people you harass. All lives matter. Blue lives matter. Now go play in the street so you can get run tf over.

  16. Protesting noise pollution in neighborhoods of color. hahahahahahhahah Black folks are loud and obnoxious. Anywhere you go they are screaming, yelling and fighting among themselves. I'm not even getting into that shi**y music they play in their cars that rattles everything in a 2 block radius. These fools are protesting themselves.

  17. They have successfully proven that Black lives do matter. In fact, they apparently matter more than the rest of us who have to sit back and deal with all this BS without complaining or voicing an opinion. So, good job guys, you got what you wanted. You can stop now.

  18. BLM steps in front of me and I will lay down another coat of blacktop.

  19. I would run them fools over if i lived there.I have an idea any as$hat that gets arrested blocking traffic ,see if they have welfare of ebt and stop the benefits they get.

  20. Black Lives Fecal Matter attacks my car, they'll get a sudden lesson in Newton's third law of physics.


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